Yoel ben Shlomo – Shabbat – Part 2
[audio:https://truth2u.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Truth2U-Yoel-ben-Shlomo-Shabbat-2.mp3|titles=Truth2U – Yoel ben Shlomo – Shabbat 2]
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* Both the intro & outro tracks are by Jono’s little sister, Kate Plummer, from her second album “The Leftover Sea“. The Truth2U theme song is entitled “Crosswoods”. It is a beautiful instrumental CD from a very talented guitarist and is available from Truth2U

thanks for another great teaching: Yoel has answered many questions
Now there is a Hebrew in Israel facebook page.
the images you use to identify each programme are really good. I love the Tissot paintings, and last weeks Edward Poynter painting, Great! Thay are some times funny, but always appropriately so in my opinion and this historic photograph of a person carrying kindling is wonderful too.
Jono, I sincerely appreciate that you and Yoel take the time to address the questions and concerns of the listeners in the comments.
It’s simply incredible that from a computer in our home we have access to the teachings from a Levite thousands of miles away to base our individual decisions in respect to the Shabbat and the Torah.
I guess we need to somehow be consistent and balanced with Shabbat observance, I’m thankful our Maker is abundantly gracious and merciful.
Many Thanks!
On Shabbat, even after the kids have been pulled from their mother, we allow the kids to nurse and be with the mother-only on Shabbat, and all of Shabbat. That way you don’t have to milk, and the doe is relieved and does not get infections, and the babies get their nutrition. That way, everybody is happy, peaceful, comforted, and satisfied! A picture of us on Shabbat, and in the kingdom!
These conversations between you and Yoel sure have a lot of provocative content. My wife and I enjoy listening to your podcast on our weekly trip to town. We barley manage to listen to a one hour show in a two hour trip because of all the discussion we have about your discussion. Kudos.
I am surprised Matthew 12:1 never came up in the picking apples on Sabbath midrash. Regardless of whether one thinks Yahshua was the messiah, he was a highly influential Torah observant first century teacher. He obviously came down on the side of feeding yourself on Sabbath if it involved picking the food. Shalom
When I was younger in my journey I would read the “Old Testament” and cry out in frustration, “LORD, would you please send me an Orthodox Jew to explain this stuff to me? This is just too difficult to understand.” So, Yoel, how does it feel to be an answer to prayer?
I have a question. You said that there is textual evidence to support the issue of a Shabbos goy by explaining the meaning of the words usually translated manservant/maidservant means someone bought with money or somehow other owned. This leaves room for someone to be hired to perform work forbidden to Jews on Shabbos. If you hire someone are you not engaged in commerce? Even if you prepay or post-pay the laborer you are still engaged in commerce are you not because you are receiving the benefit on Shabbos.
With much gratitude,
Rick Winkler
Jono and Yoel, Great show! Thanks for clarifying many difficult topics. I have another difficult question concerning the environment in which I live. In the Arctic summer the sun never sets, in the winter it does not come above the horizon. When does the sabbath start for me when Torah specifically says sunset to sunset. I could literally have a day that is months long. Any advice would be helpful since I feel I always have to bend the rules on many commandments.
To your qustion Rick you are spot on, this is why I do not even go to hotels on Shabbat even if they have non Jewish workers.
Mike this is a hard one to answer I am sorry but I don’t know. This is somthing that has been asked in the Jewish Rabinic world and I have this Hebrew answer I found and used Googel translate to quickly get it up:
The answer content:
There are two main problems for the polar regions Shabbat.
One – depends on the Sabbath at sundown that “normal places” repeats itself every twenty-four hours, whereas the polar regions can be from months to six months.
Second – let’s say we’ve been able to answer the first question and decided the time it enters the Sabbath and the time it comes out, there is still a problem some day will return for the date line. (Date line itself is a problem in areas where the sunset is also a “normal”).
Talmudic Encyclopedia about “day” (volume C”b Page CZ) presented no less than six opinions, different from the other end, about the hour of the Sabbath, and its polar regions.
1. A place where there is no sunrise and sunset each day – who’s there are exempt from the Sabbath and other commandments depend the count of days.
2. Every time you see the sun is considered a day and time do not see the sun is considered a night or came there on a weekday, any time day it is very sandy, and if it comes up on Saturday is a whole Saturday. (By pulling it out weekdays is six years and duration of Shabbat – a year …)
3. Whoever gets the pole begins to count six times twenty-four hours and weekdays, and twenty-four hours the seventh is the Sabbath.
4. While these areas see the sun for six months, but variable height above the horizon. Complete cycle is the day. According to this Saturday when it enters the sun is at the lowest point on the horizon, and leaves in the same situation. Six months without seeing the sun do the same account by rotating stars.
5. These areas can also adjust the point of East and West Point. Today the sun set from the moment the most eastern point from which the most westerly point, and the night is set to the contrary. Sabbath is the moment when the sun changes direction and starts during west to east, and Shabbat following the same situation. Also of this opinion, six months does not see the sun are similar bill by state stars.
6. Sabbath and departure will be by the time (clock) Saturday came and the last place it leaves the person out, and which still have Saturday “normal”. According to this two people out from remote locations, such as one came from Europe and one from America, even if they both came to the same place each of them will be the Sabbath, and its completely different times.
To finalize today – methods 1, 2, 3 and 6 no problem. Methods 4 and 5 apparently has a problem in this issue. I hypothesize that if a person does not meet precisely at the pole, he could find out what line length is found, then we come to different opinions about the date line that do not belong only to the poles …
Some of the ideas brought up were expressed following the theoretical discussion. Seems, by drafting responses, opinions, third and sixth stories were given answers to questions asked by people who L”nard Pal “(= north pole north pole) to hunt” big crocodiles “(and Uelfis = whale), and in response to several questions on Method 3, It seems that authorities now advocate more Method 6.
Hope this helps.
Great study and information.
When folks ask us do we do this or that on Shabbat we tend to answer with “is this something that we could have did on day 3 or 4 or 5 etc.?” If the answer is “yes, we could have did that on day x” then we reply “then do it on that day”. Shabbat is such an awesome day, why would I not want to enjoy a party with Dad! Dad is so Awesome He said take the day off.
Taking a day off just sounds so fun…
Be blessed,
Frederick & Jennifer
Last year during sukkot, when my Messianic “Jewish” friend told a rabbi friend of hers that I keep Biblical kosher diet, YHWH’s Feast Days and had a sukkah built in her garden, I was invited to this rabbi’s sukkot service, and then back to his home for dinner.
And again the following weekend back to his home, where we danced and sang-separately men with men and ladies with ladies, and I knew he was observing me. After dinner, I became a goy LOL, when he invited me into the kitchen, saying since I am on the way to converting to Judaism, I can turn the stove off for them
I did that obligingly, as he is a very friendly, and warm Rabbi, with a beautiful family.
But the following week I wrote him an email explaining where I am coming from, that I am back to the ancient pathways of Torah and learning the amazing Hebrew language to read and understand the Bible better.
He did not reply but continued inviting me to his services and informing me of events. That is a good sign.
Thank you for these informative programs. Shalom!
Thank you so much for addressing my comment! The fact that knitting/sewing/making clothing would be something the women of the past would rest from on sabbath made me rethink how I view such crafts. No matter that it’s more of a pleasure activity these days as opposed to necessary labor, I cannot deny that it is work, resulting in a product. Thanks for your input!
I think it’s important for me to stop dwelling on the details of what I can or cannot do on Sabbath, and just do what I know I can and should- take the day to study the scriptures, pray, and spend time with my family. All the other stuff can be done the rest of the week. I don’t need yet one more distraction from what’s important. Sometimes I feel that we walk the line too much- trying to see how much we can get away with, as opposed to simply delighting ourselves in YHVH and actively pursuing Him. No other day of the week do we have the abundant time to lay aside all the distractions of the world and focus on our relationship with our Creator! Why throw that away, simply because it might be “acceptable” to do something else? Just my thoughts…
After listening to the first in this series on Sabbath, I realized something which I should’ve realized a long time ago. If I truly kept the sabbath to the best of my ability, then I would probably get a lot more done during the week. My life would be more productive and prosperous, simply because I invested the time to honor YHVH on his set apart day. Makes sense to me!
Thanks so much for addressing this topic. It’s definitely caused me to examine my heart and motives and reevaluate how I spend sabbath.
This might seem a stupid question, but is reheating the food prepared in advanced a problem? I know some eat cold food only and some use a crock pot set up before Sabbath and some feel that the man was picking up the firewood to reheat the manna which means that eating hot food on Shabbat is forbidden. Is reheating (or keeping food warm) the same as cooking?
I have a question regarding a good hebrew/english bible that will give me a good understanding of of the closest possable translation and hebrew /english meanings, I would be very greatfull.
Shalom and thankyou
If you are looking for a good literal English translation, The Scriptures is probably one of the better ones out there.
For Torah study (and if you can read Hebrew), I use it with the Schottenstein Interlinear Chumash, which provides a word-for-word translation (also of the haftarah portions). The Hebrew is really very accessible and the translation generally quite good (and you also have access to traditional commentary).
Alternatively (or additionally), use a good, free software program like e-Sword or The Word, where you can link through to the Hebrew words from the English, then verify the translation with a good dictionary. I like the Ancient Hebrew Lexicon of the Bible, which provides a sense of the traditional, concrete meanings of Hebrew words that often underly their figurative or metaphorical usage.
Google any of the above or let me know if you need more info.
Hope it helps.