Yoel ben Shlomo – Touring Joshua’s Altar on Mount Ebal
Photos are taken by Yoel.
12 Years after the Murder – Jewish Hikers Return to Mount Eval
[audio:https://truth2u.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Yoel-ben-Shlomo-Touring-Joshuas-Altar-on-Mount-Ebal.mp3|titles=Yoel ben Shlomo – Touring Joshua’s Altar on Mount Ebal]
Download this episode (right click and save)

* Both the intro & outro tracks are by Jono’s little sister, Kate Plummer, from her second album “The Leftover Sea“. It is a beautiful instrumental CD from a very talented guitarist and is available from Truth2U

This was very good and informative. And the talk about the alter was great.
Thank you Yoel, you are helping to keep our hope alive and well in the Scriptures through the teaching, telling, and photos of your experience at Joshua’s altar.
Thank you Yoel. Your mention of the natural acoustics reminded me of Nehemia and Keith’s discovery of the location where Yehoshua gave us the sermon on the mount. YHWH is allowing these discoveries to happen in this time, Is this a sign perhaps of Daniel’s prophecy that knowledge shall increase?
So informative, not only of the natural aspect of the Land and Mountains Gerizzim and Eval, that brings us into a fuller, clearer picture, but also on the facts of archaeology by non Bible believers who are scorners. And you’re right in your anger against such, Joel, thank you for imparting your knowledge.
Thank you for this program, Jono.
Is it okay to use the photo of the altar in a youtube video presentation? I would much appreciate it!
Hi Kevin, you would have to ask Yoel, https://www.facebook.com/yoel.halevi?ref=br_rs