Yoel ben Shlomo – The 39 Prohibitions of Shabbat and Other Grey Areas
[audio:https://truth2u.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/Truth2U-Yoel-ben-Shlomo-The-39-Prohibitions-of-Shabbat-and-Other-Grey-Areas.mp3|titles=Truth2U – Yoel ben Shlomo – The 39 Prohibitions of Shabbat and Other Grey Areas]
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* Both the intro & outro tracks are by Jono’s little sister, Kate Plummer, from her second album “The Leftover Sea“. It is a beautiful instrumental CD from a very talented guitarist and is available from Truth2U

Jono, you are doing such a terrific service for people all over the world. I look forward to your interviews.
Toda and Shalom Alychem.
Be well!
Jono, you keep reading my comments on the air and it surprises me every time, haha!
Not long after I left my last comment, God revealed to me why I should not knit on sabbath. He rested from CREATING/MAKING things on sabbath, and I should do the same. To knit is to create/make. Very simple!
I agree with Yoel- knitting is not a grey area.
Yoel, thank you so much for discussing the sabbath- I have been very blessed by these talks and am learning so much!