Priests? What Priests?! – Yitro – Jono, Ross, & Ezra
Join us as we uncover hidden agendas and mysteries in the Yitro narrative. Was there an effort to erase Moses’ descendants from Israel’s priesthood? Where did the priests in our Torah Portion come from? Where is the true Mountain of God, and how many times did Moses ascend it? We also explore the three conflicting…
Chariots In The Water? – Beshallach – Jono, Ross, & Ezra
Did the Israelites cross the Red Sea, the Gulf of Suez, the Gulf of Aqaba, or did this narrative originate from the imagery of the Battle of Kadesh? In Beshallach (Exodus 13:17–17:16), we examine the scholarly perspectives on the Exodus…
Who Is The Destroyer of Passover? – Jono, Ross, & Ezra
We explore the dramatic final plagues in Egypt, the first Passover, and the theological tension between Pharaoh’s hardened heart—was it his choice, or did God override his free will? What is the mysterious unnamed festival the Israelites seek to observe?…
My Signs & My Wonders: The Ten Words or The Plagues? – Va’era – Jono, Ross, & Ezra
We discuss the theological implications of hardening Pharaoh’s heart, explore the significance of the phrase "these ten times," and examine how different sources and traditions address the number and order of the plagues. We also tackle the meaning behind “uncircumcised lips,” the divine name YHVH, and the “finger of God.” Adding to the intrigue, we…