Nehemia Gordon & Keith Johnson talk about The Aramaic Letter Exposed
The Aramaic Letter Exposed by Nehemia Gordon
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Our English word worship carries a meaning that is not there in the Hebrew “shaw-khaw'”, which simply means to bow down. It is not praying, singing, holding hands in the air and swaying back and forth, playing religious music, or going to a building on a particular day of the week. It is showing due honor by bowing yourself down.
It is permissible, even required at times, to bow down to human kings (many examples in scripture). There is nothing wrong with this under the right circumstances. This is why it is also permissible or even required for angles to bow down to Y’shua, because he sits at the Father’s right hand. He deserves this honor.
It is permissible to give honor to those who deserve it, but it is never permissible to give the Father’s honor to another, including Y’shua. The commandment does not forbid bowing to a king, but it does forbid bowing to an idol.
שׁחה/shawkhaw/H7812 means bow down…our concept of “worship” is twisted. Punch H7812 into your electronic concordance and see for yourself…in every occurrence you can put “bow down”.
Sorry this may sound very off topic, but it is in support of my brother Peka’s comment. We do “worship” Y’shua because we will bow to him as we come before him on his throne. This honor we show him is only to the glory and honor of the Father who placed him there. As Peka said…Y’shua always turned the attention to the Father. When “worshipers” bowed to God ordained kings in the past they were also bringing honor to the one (YHVH) who put that king in power. When we bow to Y’shua, we bring honor to YHVH who put him in that position.
I have made a minor edit to the interview. The following is a statement from Keith Johnson:
It has been brought to my attention that during our interview, I paraphrased a quote in an email from GLC. For the sake of accountability here is what was in the email:
“The topic of “The Name” is not one that will be taught over GLC at this time.”
When Nehemia asked me to recall the quote in the interview this is what I said from memory:
“The teaching of God’s Name will not trump the mission of the television station.”
I take responsibility for not quoting verbatim and we have asked Jono to remove the quote from the interview.
Is there a website where I can find the articles written by Nehemia?
Aaron, please refrain from using antagonistic and accusatory language in your comments. I am happy for you to state what you believe but I will not publish this kind of schoolyard banter again nor will I allow links, such as the one I removed, that contain similar emotive and impulsive finger pointing.
Aaron, I understand you are an AENT distributor, so I guess that is why you ASSume that the reason why I allow certain views to be voiced on T2U is so that I might benefit financially from book sales. Truth be known, often I will allow guests to voice opinions which are not my own. I do this for two reasons: 1/ I can be wrong; 2/I allow a range of views on the program because I respect my listeners ability to open the Word, evaluate the opinions and come to an informed conclusion that they own for themselves. It may surprise you that I promote my guests books free of charge. I have never received financial benefit from them for promoting their books. Actually, I will take the opportunity to say that the many hundreds if not thousands of hours poured into producing T2U has been entirely voluntary from the moment the radio ministry began. I have never sought to become a distributor of a book because I do not want to be motivated to bias in any way. But thanks for asking.
Aaron, perhaps we should make Nehemia wear a yellow badge, break him on the rack and burn him at the stake…that’ll make the Jews come to Christ! Or perhaps you should listen to a radio station that doesn’t upset you so much?
These 3 men are spiritual. They will accept anything that Yehowah tells them. This is very refreshing to hear. Thanks for this station!
I want to thank Nehemiah for being willing to spend time and energy to help us Messianics and Christians better understand the Bible. I believe that we are seeing the beginnings of this scripture fulfilled:
“Thus says the LORD of hosts: In those days ten men from the nations of every tongue shall take hold of the robe of a Jew, saying, ‘Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.’” Zechariah 8:23.
Interestingly, the Jerusalem council aimed to help what was then considered different sects of Judaism get along. The apostle Paul also spent a considerable amount of time trying to encourage believers in messiah and everybody else in the synagogues to get along, to respect one another and not to judge one another. Sadly, it seems we have yet to take those messages in.
Our family listens to Torah Pearls each week with relish. We look forward to it. Nehemiah’s talk on youtube about Pharasaism helped us on our journey to begin walking Torah and to escape the lie that it is all done away with. Your input has had a profound and lasting effect on our understanding of scripture. Please don’t be discouraged by all the “meanies’ posting here or elsewhere. You are showing charity and kindness at great personal expense and we are deeply grateful. May YHVH your Elohim and ours show you favor and kindness and bless you in all you do.
Keith and Jono you are awesome too!
Keith and Nehemiah could you please respond to this site that disagrees with the name Yehovah? and is hovah a feminine noun?
To Aaron: I have been a devout Christian for 25 years, and it is only during the last three of those 25 that I have come to realize that a Jew who follows Moses alone is showing far more love toward Yeshua by keeping His commandments than I ever did during my first 22 years. Why would I make such an outrageous statement?
Well, it was Yeshua who said “If you love me, keep my commandments.” Jn. 14:15.
I did my best to follow the example of my leadership in the church as they lived out their faith, which consisted of following commandments 5-10 and making up stuff to replace the rest of the instructions on how to love God and my fellow man.
It seems to me that Nehemiah is demonstrating his love for The Father and The Messiah by following ALL of the instructions on how to love his neighbor AND how to love his YHVH.
I have a great deal to learn from my brother who has followed Moses alone for the last 20 years and is a recognized and verifiable master of the scriptures that Yeshua himself tells us to rely on in Jn. 5:46 “For had you believed Moses, you would have believed me: for he (Moses) wrote of me.”
I will not boast against the ROOT, when I am a mere wild branch, grafted into the ROOT!
This was a wonderful talk. I am happy to see a healthy version of Judaism uniting with Christianity. I am happy to see Christianity rediscovering God’s Name, which is where it all started. I want to follow these guys.