Torah Pearls – Miketz – Genesis 41:1-44:17 – Nehemia Gordon & Keith Johnson
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As far as the reference to when Jacob said to Joseph, are your mother and I going to bow down to you?
To me, it seems like the writer is almost telling a story in some kind of chronological order up to Chapter 35 (I know the chapters were not there but stating as it appears for reference), and then at Chapter 36 kind of takes a side step out of the order of story telling and takes a trip through Essau’s lineage. And then Chapter 37 starts out saying, this is the HISTORY of Jacob (v-2 NKJV).
I assumed, therefore, the reference to Joseph’s mother is actually his mother since the writer says it’s a history and is thinking back in time and giving us a quick run down of the history of Jacob.
And as I’m writing this and referring back to the actual text, it suddenly strikes me odd that v-2 does say this is the history of Jacob and what follows that statement is really a history of Joseph.
What up with that?
All that said, never thought of the other thing Nehemia said. Interesting…
Fascinating presentation; thanks to all of you. Could it be a hint of the future Messiah Ben Joseph when Joseph is given the Signet and the Robe and all are told to “Bow The Knee”, in much the same way that the Parable of the Prodigal Son parallels the lost Ten of Ephraim spending their heritage on ‘religious prostitutes of Rome and returning in deep repentance to the ‘Father’ while the Elder Son finds fault and is in that sense ;like Judah and the those of Rheoboam who ‘kept Torah and don’t see their need to repent ?
Please add me to your email list! Thank you! God Bless You!
It strikes me as odd that this Hebrew slave who had been thrust into a dungeon to rot for those many years is summoned before Pharaoh to interpret his dreams, and when he finished telling Pharaoh the interpretation this slave gave Pharaoh advice on how to manage the situation without being called upon or given leave to do so. Such chutzpah.
Thanks once again guys for all the pearls revealed. May our eyes be ever open to understand the purposely hidden things in the Torah. How about a transliteration of the Tehillim 119 prayer?
Yes, yes! A transliteration please, of Psalm 119:18! My listening/transcribing skills aren’t the best. Love the Torah Pearls.
We welcome you every Shabbat. Many thanks.
Btw, thanks for the Music source…always wondered about that. Great sound!
Please add me to your e-mail list. ABBA FATHER bless you both, always.Elva
Boy…I really need to start an email list!
I thought this WAS your e-mail list. Yikes! I can barely keep up with everything now. At least Facebook is a place to find everything centrally located; otherwise I’d forget something important.
Peggy from Kentucky
p.s. You gave me a smile and made my day, thanks.
Shalom to our Torah Trio,
We have been listening to you,
since Gen. 1:1, We love learning the Torah from a fresh perspective , We look forward to every Shabbat, Thank You for doing this. It was an awesome idea.
G’day Terri 🙂