Yoel ben Shlomo – Light of the Prophets – Joshua 1:1-5:15

Yoel and I have begun recording a new series entitled Light of the Prophets! As we begin in the Book of Joshua we ask, who is the prophet likened unto Moses in Deuteronomy 18:15? Was Rahab really a prostitute? What is the significance and symbolism of the scarlet cord? Where are the memorial stones of the Jordan River crossing? Did the Israelites circumcise their sons and observe Passover in the desert? Why was Joshua instructed to remove a sandal from his foot before the commander of the armies of the Lord?
[audio:https://truth2u.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Truth2U-Yoel-ben-Shlomo-Joshua-1-5.mp3|titles=Truth2U – Yoel ben Shlomo – Joshua 1-5]
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  1. ellen says

    playing stopped at 18:57…any ideas

  2. jono vandor says

    I’m not sure Ellen, it seems to stream fine at this end. You may just need to try again?

  3. Shelley Browne Cadd says

    I’m with Carol – absolutely delighted to see your expansion into The Prophets. You guys have the spirit that I feel reflects my own, and I’m incredibly grateful for these opportunities to enjoy YaHuWaH together. Shabbat Shalom beginning now in China!

  4. Gavriel says

    Shalom Nehemiah, Keith and Jono. Question for you. Why do you skip or miss chapters when reading Torah?
    I have always been taught when reading Torah always read every verse, is this because its a radio broadcast and not a Sabbath reading being held in a Shul?

  5. Sandra says

    Really interesting thank you, I was wandering why Yoel had to rethink rabbinical Judaism after reading about Shavout?

  6. abney says

    interesting. in acts 3 they seem to imply that Yeshua was the prophet spoken of here, but that doesn’t really seem to fit the context.

  7. Nick says

    As for Jos 5:9 : And YHVH said to Yehoshua, “Today I have rolled away the reproach of Mitsrayim from you.” So the name of the place is called Gilgal to this day, this is my understanding:

    By having come out of Egypt, Israel was liberated not only from the slavery, when they physically came out of Egypt but also from the sin of rebellion in Egypt, and from the rebellion in the wilderness.

    That the children of Israel were rebelious in Egypt is clearly seen in Jos 24:14 and Eze 20:5-9.

    When the rebelious generation was replaced then the new generation entered the Land.

    Josephus gives his account of this verse in Antiquities, Book 5, Ch. 1:11. “Now the place where Joshua pitched his camp was called Gilgal, which denotes liberty;” And this place was called “Gilgal”, liberty, because Israel was liberated from the sin of rebelion in Egypt and in the wilderness.

    Shabbat Shalom!

  8. KarenJ says

    We always enjoy studying with Yoel and this is going to be a great series. The Torah portions, Acharei/Kedoshim, happen to coincide with the start of your new series on the prophets. Both of these portions end with the warning that the current inhabitants of the Land were being disgorged because they had committed the abominations discussed in the readings (see Lev 18:26-30, Lev 20:22-24). It is likely that the inhabitants of Jericho committed the abominations of these portions, e.g. prostituting their daughters (Lev 19:29) and Rahab was a victim of this culture. Perhaps her family ran a “full service” inn. I wonder how old Rahab was when she met the spies of Israel. The redemption of the Exodus was about 40 years prior and the city was still talking about the events and fearful of Israel and the One true God, but apparently not repentant.

  9. student of Torah says

    I’m not following your guys’ thought progression on Shavuot and counting the omer. I’m slow, things have to spelled out for me. Yoel, so what exactly were you taught about this subject in Rabbinical Judaism? I’ve heard so many different things it’s hard to keep them straight. I originally went along with counting the omer from the day after the weekly sabbath following the 1st day of unleavened bread, then I went to counting from the 16th. Now I’m back to counting from the weekly sabbath again. If we are going to understand Joshua 5, don’t we need to study it in light of the foundation already given, in Torah. If we understand Torah to be telling us that we count after the weekly Sabbath, then that would then mean that Joshua would need to agree with that. If it doesn’t, maybe we are misunderstanding something.

  10. student of Torah says

    Also, when Jono read that they ate of the “produce”, mine says “corn”, that selfsame day, I think you guys were saying you were thinking that they ate the new “produce” of the land the day after Passover? My NLT does not say that. It says they ate the OLD produce that had been harvested from the land. The KJV says the same thing on blueletterbible. The blueletterbible says that the Hebrew word is avur, and it’s from this word we get, old corn. Did blueletterbible interpret this wrong, if they did, it doesn’t match with Torah if we are to believe that they ate the new grain that they weren’t supposed to eat until after the wave sheaf was offered, right? And I don’t understand what you meant by saying the fourteenth was a sabbath? Torah says the 15th was a sabbath, but not the fourteenth.

  11. student of Torah says

    Also, I keep hearing Yoel and Nehemiah and Keith give examples as we go along in the studies of verses that are not talking about Yeshua. I can understand Yoel and Nehemiah not offering up any scriptural support for Yeshua being Messiah, but now I’m wondering if Keith and Jono no longer see any scriptures that support Yeshua as being Messiah.

  12. student of Torah says

    AHHH! Told you I was slow! I’m trackin’ now! I listened again and more closely, this time I understood you to say that the 14th fell on the weekly Sabbath that year, and the next day was a Sunday. So, if that’s the case, this section in Joshua still lines up with beginning of the counting of the omer the day after the weekly Sabbath! Now that does make more sense! Very interesting, thank you for pointing that possibility out!

  13. ellen says

    just read about new or old corn…forgive me but isn’t corn one of the products of the new world>? didn’t the explorers bring it back to europe from the ‘indians’?–called maize…so …does it affect the passage?

  14. student of Torah says

    Not being rude, just cynical of history books. Do we believe everything we read in history books? History is written by the winners of the wars. Not that the history of corn in Europe and North America is not true, but NLT, KJV translation, and Strong’s says that it can be interpreted either way, as corn, or grain. I always thought there was corn in Egypt. “The seven thin ears of corn swallowed up the seven plump ears of corn”, according to Pharoah’s dream. Do we really believe that Moses and other Hebrews believed the world to be flat? It may well have been grain and not corn, but we really need to question ALL information books other than the scriptures feed to us. My point about the passage was not whether it was grain or corn, but were Joshua and the Israelites eating NEW or OLD produce from the land.

  15. student of Torah says

    So, if this is true, Yeshua was A prophet like unto Moses, just as Isaiah was A prophet like unto Moses, as they both had the same message of Torah given to Moses for the people. Yeshua did not preach a different message. He did not lie. Entertain me with this thought. So, if Yeshua is a prophet, he can not lie. Read John 4:19 where the Samaritan woman says, “Sir, you must be a prophet…” then go on to read John 4:25 where the woman then says, ” I know the Messiah will come-the one who is called Christ. When he comes, he will explain everything to us.” (insert correct Torah term here-Messiah/Anointed One). I believe the Greek word used is messias. Interesting how most of us are waiting for Messiah to come to tell us the correct calendar, name, etc…, when Messiah ALREADY CAME and explained it and we still don’t listen or understand! Anyway, continuing with John, so Yeshua replies to the woman in verse 26, “…I am the Messiah” Different translations word this differently, “I am”, “I am”, “I that speak unto thee am he.” Add this and all the ways in the brit that Yeshua claims to be Messiah, the son of the father, from heaved, and all the rest he said that made the religious leaders want to stone him, how can anyone say he is a prophet and a liar at the same time. Either he is who he says he is or he is a liar. If he is a lliar, then he can’t be a prophet. He can’t be both.

  16. student of Torah says

    וּמָעוּךְ וְכָתוּת וְנָתוּק וְכָרוּת לֹא תַקְרִיבוּ לַֽיהוָה וּֽבְאַרְצְכֶם לֹא תַעֲשֽׂוּ׃
    I copied and pasted Leviticus 22:25 above from blueletterbible, Strong’s. I know Strong’s may not have the same Hebrew wording as an original Hebrew text. I don’t have acces to an original Hebrew text, at least one where I can find Levitucus 22:25, so I can only go based on what I can see and read. My NLT read Lev 22:25 to say, “You must never accept mutilated or defective animals from foreigners to be offered as a sacrifice to your God. Such animals will not be accepted on your behalf because they are defective.” Notice in the Hebrew I pasted above, it mentions YHWH’s name-the tetragrammation, and it has a lamed in front of it, which means to or toward, right? So isn’t this talking about giving something unto YaH? Is the text Nehemiah is reading from when he does these studies with us the ORIGINAL Hebrew text or a regular Hebrew study bible or Chumash that I, myself have? Don’t get me wrong, I’m hoping that the original text is saying that we are not supposed to neuter at all, as I’m not a fan of it. But, I don’t want to teach, explain, or quote something incorrectly.

  17. Yoel Ben Shlomo says

    The word “corn” is old English that means all forms of grain, corn was discovered when the Americas were “discovered”. The word used in Joshua is מעבורthat means “from” and is not being specific because the context is about the Manna stopping, so it could be that they eat from the old and the new and from any foods that grow in the land.

  18. Krisi says

    according to the Torah weren’t they forbidden to make an oath with the inhabitants of the other land? I was wondering how they were able to make this oath with Rahab..thanks.

  19. Krisi says

    as well as commanded to kill every man, woman, and child within the promised land..correct? Just curious how this is seen as not in violation with the Torah.

  20. Iris says

    Krisi, just a listener (learning hebrew with Joel). Please note that Rahab showed fear for (reverence of) and acknowledged Yahweh/Yahovah as the One True Eloheim, THE Eloheim of Heaven…I perceive that her agreement (or promise) of covenant with the Israelites constituted a ‘cross-over’ – In heart, she was no longer a gentile. She was like Ruth and like many today who are seeking mercy to be delivered by Israel’s Eloheim; who have covenanted with Him (in their heart and by their speech and blood – Zach 9:11, Zach 12:10) – Not only was she seen righteous, but she was delivered; so too will those who continue to await His appearing/re-appearing, be delivered and redeemed by Israel’s Eloheim; who is Himself the Messiah according to Isaiah 43:11 and Hesea 13:4 As it is said, “Apart from me, there is no Moseah” – And like in ancient times “All Israel shall be saved”…by His arm Is 53; (according to Jer 31, and Ezekiel 38), a great multitude, (mixed – lame, mame…) that will make the previous Exodous pale in comparison.

  21. Kimberly says

    I’ve been catching up on the broadcasts that I missed. One of Yoel’s comments in this one really got my attention.

    Yoel, you said of Moses, “the Torah was IN him,” whereas Joshua would have had to read the Torah. I was wondering if you have any further thoughts on this. It made me think of Jeremiah 31:33 “…I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts.”

    Is this what you had in mind?

  22. Michelle says

    Hi. I just “found” this series & am enjoying it immensely. I agree with what Nick said, 5/6/2012, but would like to add something else. When the Hebrews were in Egypt for so long, in some ways they probably assimilated into the culture, ie. the golden calf incident, so maybe part of the reproach of Mitzrayim was the idolatry. Just a thought.

  23. sharoncfahey says

    I just found Joel’s teachings, finally, but I can’t find the series so I can listen to them in order, can you assist me in finding them. I don’t subscribe to Facebook. Toda, shalom

  24. sharoncfahey says

    Thank you. I really love it, shalom.

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