Yoel ben Shlomo – Light of the Prophets – Joshua 22:1-24:33
The great and impressive altar called Witness – why did the children of Israel want to go to war against Reuben, Gad & Manasseh? What does it mean to be glued to God? Do we know where the tombs of Joshua and Eleazar are today and is it right for us to want to visit them?
Truth2U Radio is hosted, edited, and produced by Jono Vandor and all programs are made freely available to download. If these programs have been a blessing to you please consider showing your support by contributing a donation. Thank you for listening!

[audio:https://truth2u.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Truth2U-Yoel-ben-Shlomo-Joshua-22-24.mp3|titles=Truth2U – Yoel ben Shlomo – Joshua 22-24]

You always end your broadcasts with, “Be blessed. Be set apart by the truth of our Father’s word.” My only response is, “OK, you’re on.”
Once again, thank you for teaching us. May the Eternal One, blessed be He, bless you doubly for each of us here that you bless.
Keep them coming!
Thanks again Yoel and Jono,
So would the Torah and how we apply it be the glue used to bind us to the God of Israel with His people?
Because most of my life I think I’ve been using the wrong kind of glue.
I really enjoyed this episode. Thank you Yoel and Jono for all the work you do to bring us this wonderful information.
thank you yoel and jono, could you please help me to undersatnd the process of 10 men required to speak outloud prayers. is this daily and sabbath prayers? and also am i sinning against the Father by speaking daily prayers outloud being a female? i downloaded from nehemia’s site daily and sabbath prayers and i have been speaking them outloud for over a year, and actually i love to read them outloud. it has also helped me to remember scripture, i do value your wisdom and i am a young in my understanding. please help… blessings to you both and thank you so much for your teachings.
Dear Catherine,
I take it from your posting here that you are not Jewish, you are blessed by reciting Jewish prayers, and you are concerned that you are not reciting them appropriately. I too am not Jewish, and like you I have been blessed by praying the Jewish prayers for years. What you do in your own home is your own business. The rules governing praying were not given to Moses on Sinai. These rules were ordained by men. They have their function and have served the Jewish community well for centuries. They do not, however, have jurisdiction over your prayer life. I try to follow those rules I can out of respect for chazal (sages of old), but so far no Jewish prayer police have pounded on my door demanding that I cease. If praying these prayers blesses you, then I believe it blesses God as well, and I say, “Pray on.”
Rick: thank you for responding. i am not jewish, but i am a daughter of the most high. i know that i was made to praise YHVH and what better way than to pray blessings to Him. i also know that the Father has order to His house, so i was afraid it was not my place to recite jewish prayers. i am eager to learn and grow, so i really appreciate all comments to help me in this journey. thanks again. Shalom from Michigan