Yoel ben Shlomo – Light of the Prophets – Judges 1:1-2:23
Why did Adoni Bezek lose his thumbs and big toes? Was it a sin that Othniel married his niece? Who persuaded who in Judges 1:14? Are chariots of iron too powerful for God? Why do peoples of other nations continue to live among the children of Israel even today?
Truth2U Radio is hosted, edited, and produced by Jono Vandor and all programs are made freely available to download. If these programs have been a blessing to you please consider showing your support by contributing a donation. Thank you for listening!

[audio:https://truth2u.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Truth2U-Yoel-ben-Shlomo-Judges-1-2.mp3|titles=Truth2U – Yoel ben Shlomo – Judges 1-2]

Excellent Yoel & Jono…
As another Aussie who is facinated with the Torah, I thank you very much for these Pearls…!!!
Just had another great Hebrew lesson with Yoel.
Yoel, seriously, you’re a major blessing. Keep doing what you do. May YHVH’s genuine shalom be with you and your family. May He continue to meet all your needs physically and spiritually. May He continue to lead you in His thoughts and ways.
And Jono, G’day mate! Thank you for all your diligence in making this happen. I work 12 hour shifts at a shipyard. My last shift, I almost finished 12 sessions of Torah pearls with Nehemiah and Keith. Such a blessing.
To Jono and all His guests:
May our Father continue to reveal and lead each of you in His thoughts and ways. May He lead each of you in spirit and in truth. Thank you for all that you guys do. Shalom.
I love the straight talk… And i am getting used to the different communication styles. I learn SO MUCH when i listen to you boys! Keep it up! Never mind the h8rz! Your programs r making it much easier for us screen junkies 2 unhook or eys from the tv, and sit with bibles open and THINK! Thank u 4 light o da profetz it b rokn hard broz
G’day Yoel,
Regarding your alleged rhetoric …I live in Saudi Arabia.
Need I say more?
Keep tellin’ it like it is mate.
You folks are doing a wonderful work bringing YHVH’s word to the public. It was my first opportunity to listen to Yoel Ben Shlomo it was very interesting for me since I love to cook as well as learn about the Father’s Word. Jono you are giving a well needed platform for these speakers to share what they are learning. I was please to hear the Yoel is a friend of Rico Cortez” I have been a fan of Rico since he was starting up the ladder I even seen Keith and Nehemia when they were new to the spot light and you cannot mention these fellows without giving respect to Mr. Michael Rood who was the seed that let this new style of teaching get its roots planted in the Jerusalem soil. Well as far as the west is concern.
Shlomo who is from the first seed of course has his own understanding and history with YHVH.
Now we are seeing the fruit beginning to flourish. I will go and see about saying hello to Sir Shlomo It would have been nice to hear a few notes from the Didgeridoo but he made up for it with the baking
history and lesson and about the leaven now this is something only a few people in the world can describe. I was so excited after listening to your guys program I went ahead and made a special
gift for Yoel Shlomo and I will go to his email and send it off” in fact this is what I was about to do right after,
I came back to your program to get his proper email address”
I am sending him photos along with the music but I can also leave you a little of the Didgeridoo music for you and your fans.
It is for the ones that have no idea what the music of the Didgeridoo sounds like. Since you are a G-day Boy with a music program you are very aware of many different types of music but I am sure many of your fans listening in aren’t as fortunate so this is for whoever wants to listen to some up scale Didgeridoo sounds.
Keep up the fantastic work that you are doing for YHVH”
Also I will like to mention it would be nice hear what Rico Cortez is up too now days now that he is doing his own thing I don’t hear him much anymore just ask Joel about Rico if you are not very familiar with his work” He is a hard working soldier for the Adonai YHVH.
Thank you for your programming”
It is a blessing and I hope that you can utilize some of my talent to generate some well deserved seed capital to help you program many and more exciting programs in Restoring His Holy Name”
Like Yoel says” Yahoshua, the accent is at the end”
Thank YHVH for the Jews” without them we would still be heathens”
But just knowing how to say His true name does not make us a better
person many will call out His name but at the end He will say, away from me” I know you not!
My Name is on your lips but your heart is as far as the east is from the west!
That was me just paraphrasing but you have the scholar Sir Nehemia what say he?
Here is a link to some great Didgeridoo sounds.
Indigenous People aboriginal music part 1
Once they open up this link they will be able to look at the other choice’s
Yoel is a Kool dude” He is more that just a soldier for YHVH.
And you are super Kool for having this enlightening program.
Cheers Jono”
G-day Sir…
May the beauty of our Adonai continue to shine upon you
and all of your loved ones” Your entire house”
Hi Jono,
Thanks for all your efforts in bringing us these teaching. Love them and support your cause.
I am a little confused on what you guys were discussing about the controversy between the rabbinics and the Karaites in verses 1:11-13. They were only cousins, not aunt and nephew or uncle and niece. Calebs daughter and his brothers son makes them cousins or kissing cousins and I believe the Torah says nothing against it. I am reading it wrong?