Yoel ben Shlomo – Light of the Prophets – Judges 7-8
Did the soldiers really lap the water with their tongue like dogs? What alphabet was used to write down the names of the 77 elders? What was the “ephod” that Gideon made? Was Gideon a judge or a makeshift king and did he claim some of the glory for the victory?
Truth2U Radio is hosted, edited, and produced by Jono Vandor and all programs are made freely available to download. If these programs have been a blessing to you please consider showing your support by contributing a donation. Thank you for listening!

[audio:https://truth2u.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Truth2U-Yoel-ben-Shlomo-Judges-7-82.mp3|titles=Truth2U – Yoel ben Shlomo – Judges 7-8]

Very informative about the type of alphabet they may have used in this portion of Judges. (Paleo Hebrew, Cuniform) Good stuff! Thanks for sharing Yoel.
Jono, thank you very much again for what you do man. I look forward to both ‘the light of the prophets’ and ‘torah pearls’ weekly.
Extremely interesting program. I always wondered about the men lapping water like a dog and if that was literal or not. Thanks for the knowledge about the use of Paleo Hebrew.
Another great lesson.
I’m thankful that in my lifetime I have witnessed the peaceful, respectful, informative, constructive, inspiring, hopeful, and downright fun interaction of friendship between a Rabbinic Jew, a Methodist Christian, a Karaite Jew, and an Australian talk show host!
Now it’s time to have Yoel as a special guest on the Torah Pearls!
I think it should be “Jono and Yoyo.” 🙂
Seriously though, this is another great episode – thank you both for continuing to shed light on scripture – it is exciting to see these stories in a new way, and your work is always appreciated!
This was an amazing episode. I really enjoy the wealth of knowledge that you share with all the people Yoel. This is yet another episode that I have to listen to a second time. Thank you once again Jono for making a way to get this knowledge out to the people.