Yoel ben Shlomo – Light of the Prophets – Judges 10:1-12:7
Before Yoel & I unpacked the story of Israel’s 8th judge, Yiphtach, and his vow to God concerning his daughter, we first discussed the significance and traditions regarding the 9th of Av. Also, 30 sons rode 30 donkeys who had 30 donkeys? What’s that about?
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[audio:https://truth2u.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Truth2U-Yoel-ben-Shlomo-9th-of-Av-Judges-10-12.mp3|titles=Truth2U – Yoel ben Shlomo – 9th of Av & Judges 10-12]

Thank you gentlemen for another captivating discussion of the book of Judges.
Could you please tell me who painted this exquisite picture on your post re: Light of the Prophets. I truly would like to see if I could get a print of it. Thank you for your consideration.
G’day Susan, James Tissot is the artist, I use his art a lot. 🙂
Thank you for the quick response. I have googled and googled James Tissot and I cannot find this particular piece of artwork. Do you have the name of the piece and/or will you tell me where you found this piece. I spent hours trying to find this piece of artwork on the websites and nothing. Very frustrating. Thank you again for assisting me.
Here you go 😉
ג’ונו, לשאלתך בדקה ה47:57 ישנו פסוק ב’האזינו’ של שירת משה “כי ידין יהוה עמו ועל עבדיו יתנחם כי יראה אזלת יד ואפס עצור ועזוב ואמר אי אלוהימו, צור חסיו בו אשר חלב זבחימו יאכלו ישתו יין נסיכם יקומו ויעזרוכם יהי עליכם סיתרה
כל הכבוד יואלו’ש על תרומתך!
ישר כח!
The response came through in Hebrew and although I am taking Hebrew lessons I am not proficient enough to read your response. Could you please have it come through in English?
thank you.
Susan, My reply is above the Hebrew comment. Click on the “Here you go” it will take you to the painting.
Whoa, for a minute there I thought the Pentecostal side of you came out with that Hebrew answer Jono.
BTW I thought that was a very cute and polite reply Susan had 🙂
I probably would have gotten very upset and said “C’mon Jono, who do you think I am, Nehemia or Yoel!”
“Give it to me in English, I may have an Anglo-Chinese name thinking I’m multilingual but I speak English buddy, ENGLISH!”
Shavuot appears to me as a dispensing of gifts by His Spirit. We accept these gifts for strength for the trials that takes us through the “narrows”. Psalm 118:5 . “Out of the narrows of distress I called upon God, God answered me with liberation.” Relationship is so important during this period. We can relate without a temple or icons and symbols. Our love is made manifest in the crucible, purifying us from the errors/dross of our lives. Does anyone think that Job may have gone through his trials during this period? “And everyone who gave up homes, brothers or sisters, father, mother, children, or fields because of my name will receive a hundred times more and will inherit eternal life.” Matt.19:29 His love is, is…sigh.
Thank you for your patience. I am so happy to now know the name of this beautiful painting. Now I have to find a source to purchase a print of it. Thank you again for taking the time.
Just a thought on the name Yiphtach; when you said it means “he will open”, my first thought was that maybe he was the firstborn. (the one that opens the womb) But now, seeing that his mother was a prostitute, that seems very unlikely. Soooo… nevermind. 🙂