Ira Michaelson – Treasures from the Tanakh – Job 6:1-7:21
How do we reconcile God as Father with His decision to inflict Job with suffering? In Job 6:9 Job pleads that it would please God to crush him, can a connection be found between this verse regarding God’s servant, Job, and Isaiah 53:10 in reference to God’s servant, Israel? Is Job begging God to finish him and take his life?
Truth2U Radio is hosted, edited, and produced by Jono Vandor and all programs are made freely available to download. If these programs have been a blessing to you please consider showing your support by contributing a donation or partnering with Truth2U on a weekly or monthly basis. Thank you for listening!

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Hello Gentleman, really torahlicious stuff here but i have a quick question.
A session or so back Ira mentioned a translation he was reading from if not mistaken he / you said a litteral …what WAS /IS that you referred to?
Thanks for the positive comment. Anytime you hear me mention “literal” it is me giving a translation from the Hebrew text literally, as opposed to the typical English translation.
Shalom to all!
I’ve tuned in to the last couple of discussions and have thoroughly enjoyed them. Rabbi Ira gives a comprehensive perspective to an otherwise complex topic. The question of a connection between Job 6:9 and Isaiah 53:10 is interesting because most of us who grew up in a traditional church have been taught (or assumed) that Isaiah 53:10 is referring solely to Yeshua HaMashiach. I never considered the Job connection before. Thank you for taking the time to bring us this wonderful teaching. Blessings to all.
What a beautiful and profound
summary: “Yehovah has chosen man to carry out the greatest mission of all times – and that is the elevation of our character and behavior to the level of the divine” – thanks Ira!!!
Thank you for being willing to address the hard questions referring to Yah’s role as Father.
I’d love a program where all the hard faith questions are asked and discussed in greater detail, just like the program Yoel did regarding Hell, Hades and Hasatan. Maybe it is because our own family is struggling with areas of our past “beliefs” or maybe it is because I’m a mother to young children who ask questions like “why does Yehovah let so much bad stuff to happen to innocent people”. How can I pray for Yah’s protection for my child at bedtime, when I see the way He brought evil to Job’s life.
I will keep listening to your following programs and searching for truth….I know we are all on a journey of understanding. I know for myself, I need to let go of my preconceived ideas of Yah’s character and learn who He really is. If only He would show Himself to us the way He showed Himself to Adam, Avraham, and Moshe. 🙁
Thanks Ira i thought maybe you were using maybe a Youngs or something from israel …not readily available ….
So thanks and again i really like this discussion
Kudos to both of you & Jono
As a young music student I got upset and ran our of class one day because I thought my coach was picking on me. He critiqued me more than anyone, spent more time with me in front of the workshop class and I was fed up.
He left the class and followed me into the practice rooms, calmed me down and told me the reason he was so hard on me was that of all the students in the workshop, I was the one with most potential, and by the way would I star in the next production (opera). My son was an elite runner in H.S. with Olympic potential as a middle distance runner. When complained about his coach, I would remind him of my story. I believe the lesson of Job is that YHWH picked him (rather than picked on him) to mentor him into historyJob because he had the most potential.
May YHWH continue to bless your ministry.
Just finished Iyov 6-7 and you both (especially Ira) mention that you should do a teaching of the Hebraic perspective of the word “evil”. After serching your website, I assume this hasn’t happen yet. May I please beg of you to do it!! Please, please do a teaching with Ira on “evil”, please, please!
In hearing about the flesh falling off, etc it called to mind a recent show I saw. The show is called “Monsters Inside Me”. There was a man that traveled into South America. He was bitten by a sand fly and contracted a parasite. It ate away at his flesh and puss oozed from the wound. Yes, he look liked some zombie. It stated in the show this parasite is known to be in large parts of Asia and South America.