Ira Michaelson – Treasures from the Tanakh – Job 8:1-22
In addition to working through Bildad’s response to Job, Ira addresses the question, how are we to correctly comprehend the concept of evil from a Tanakh perspective?
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Wow! On the question of evil, answered. We that are not well versed in Hebrew, have a new perspective. In the B’rit Hadashah Messiah tells us rebuke evil and it will flee and not to fear it. I am still wrestling with the testing and trials of Job. Is it a text for the posterity; succeeding or future generations collectively: Judgment of this age must be left to posterity. Deep contemplation is what I am left with. Thank you Job, Ira and Jono.
Shalom brothers: quick question, what about the story about Yeshua casting out a legion in a man and they entered the swine that ran off the cliff. what would that be? PS I love these teachings. thank you…
I urge the listners 2 self-examine thier own “witnessing styles” in the light of Job’s 3 friends. I was 🙁 2 learn how many of thier bad attributes i have been guilty of! Since i have been mindful of this, i have gotten much more “traction” with my friends/family! Thank you 4 this invaluable resource. Ya bless you and keep u!
Another masterful dialogue. Thank you so very much. But, may I disagree a tad.
Did Job know God? God’s own testimony on the matter was that Job was faultlessly righteous. Can a person walk uprightly before God without knowing Him. I think not.
Job’s testimony was that he was faultless (which corresponded with God’s testimony), and God abandoned him. He was right. Except for protecting his life God had abandoned him.
Todah Ira – I am slowly getting my head wrapped around it 🙂
Job’s friends are ganging up on him and he gets a little defensive. He is, after all, only human.
I try going to Ira’s congregations website but I keep getting a “forbidden” error…is something wrong with his site? I was wanting to explore how he believes 🙂
Krisi, we will be doing a special program on that very topic in the coming weeks. Stay tuned! 😉
Todah you two for doing the “evil” insights, although I’m still trying to get my mind around it all, having been tainted by the church for years. Enjoy the Treasures in the Tanakah!!