Yoel ben Shlomo – Light of the Prophets – Judges 17:1-13
Did Micah set up a temple? How does it parallel with Jeroboam’s idolatry? Also, how can a Levite be from the family of Judah? Who is a true Levite & Cohen?
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[audio:https://truth2u.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Truth2U-Yoel-ben-Shlomo-Judges-17.mp3|titles=Truth2U – Yoel ben Shlomo – Judges 17]

Could the Hebrew allow for the man mentioned in verse 7 to be a Levite who resided in Bethlehem in Judea, and the term, “of the family of Judah” refers to Bethlehem and not the man?
I always thought that Melchisedek being King of Salem was called a priest and king. I also hear a lot of talk about Melchisedek priesthood. Is there no priesthood older than that of Aaron and the Levites? If there was an older priesthood was it sup-planted by the Levitical priesthood? And finally there is a reference to Yashua telling his followers they would be priests and kings in his Kingdom. How should this be understood? Thanks, Jim
G´Day to the 2 of you! Thank you guys for your honesty and Realness ^^. Yah´Blessings from Berlin!
It´s me again. @James Hayman and to Jono and Joel and all the listeners: Has anyone an explanation to what Priests YHWH is refering to in Exodus 19:22/24? The levitical priesthood was put in to order after the 10 spoken words, so what priests did the Father mean? Jono, have Keith, Nehemia and you talked about this in the Torah Pearls? Could there have been a priestly order during Israels time in Egypt, we don´t know anything about? Pls. get back at me. By the way SHABBAT SHALOM everyone, sun is just setting here in germany.
Ah.. i should listen all the way to the end. So, according also to strongs:H3548
Active participle of H3547; literally one officiating, a priest; also (by courtesy) an acting priest (although a layman): – chief ruler, X own, priest, prince, principal officer.
we could understand this passage to be a reference to tribal or family chiefs. Is that correct?
I thought that all followers of the God of Avraham, Ytzaak, and Ya’acov believe in messiah and thus are messianic. Is that wrong?
Yoel, I appreciate your courage and determination to share your knowledge and understanding of the Hebrew Torah and the Prophets with us.
Through your teachings and experiences you are illustrating an inspiration of tremendous love toward all people desiring to intimately know the one who created us, the Holy One of Israel.
**agrees completely with Darren Chan**
Thank you Jono and Yoel. You continue to be true blessings in my life.
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