Ira Michaelson – Treasures from the Tanakh – Job 12:1-13:19
As Job replies to Zophar and answers his critical friends, the question arises, is it our duty to defend God?
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Another nail in coffin of that ol’ devil… Good show guys!
I don’t see any problem with their being “priests” before Abraham because since the beginning Cain and Abel made sacrifices (which could make them a kind of “priests” before it was instituted). However, this leads me to the question of the firstlings Abel offered of his flock (assuming they only ate fruits and vegetables then) what did they do with the meat of the sacrifice? In Leviticus (I believe it was) the fat was to be burnt and certain parts eaten (shoulder etc) of firstling offerings..I know this is off topic but it came to my mind when I was replying. Thanks!