Ira Michaelson – Treasures from the Tanakh – Job 13:20-14:22
As Job continues in his life of relentless pain, he addresses God as best he can and appeals his case directly to Him. Job pleads that God, as plaintiff, uncover the specific charges He holds against him rather than continue being his Judge.
Truth2U Radio is hosted, edited, and produced by Jono Vandor and all programs are made freely available to download. If these programs have been a blessing to you please consider showing your support by contributing a donation or partnering with Truth2U on a weekly or monthly basis. Thank you for listening!

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Good day, I would like to listen to your comments/beliefs etc, as it becomming very clear to me that “Christianity” does not provide the true truth. I therefore “resigned” from christianity. To a great extend, I am listening to talks from Jewish experts on the Torah, reading books which are not available in South Africa and listening to beliefs existing in Israel – and coming to the conclusion that there are so much which are not revealed to us in the so-called christianity approach. You have a rich history.
Trust to hear from you.
Hi Gideon,
Onthou maar net – niemand het AL die waarheid nie. En dit is die Heer se werk om te oordeel. Ons is al seker 20 jaar “uit die kerk” so ek verstaan waarvan jy vandaan kom, maar kom ons loop ons pad sonder om ander te vertrap.
I apologize! I realize that I need to translate what I wrote above. I said we ought not to judge the “church” too harshly, but rather focus on our own personal walk with the Creator and leave the church to Him to sort out. We can walk faithfully and gratefully in the Light we do have. He is the True Judge. Lest we devour folk created in HaShem’s Image.
No human institution has ALL the truth. I hope this is an encouragement to all of us – a criticism of no-one …
Jono, two things I love about truth2u. 1. The honest straight forward questions you ask of the scripture and 2. The organization you have done of the teachings. Good job! It’s why I have counted it a privilege to donate to you!
Also thank you for putting up devs site. Between her and Nechemia, they are the only fellowship I have. I should amend that, Jason has helped too.
Yehovah is doing an AMAZING job using you, thank you and praise Him for being so very faithful. Also, Jono, you may feel for years your path was the wrong one, but as Iyov said, He has traced out our steps (Ira said the word is carved) in advance. Your testimony, that you only elude to, sounds so familiar and it is a HUGE comfort to think and hope that I can overcome those false teachings so deeply ingrained in me. Thanking Him for you!