Ira Michaelson – Treasures from the Tanakh – Job 15:1-35
Chapter 15 of the Book of Job begins round two of the verbal assault inflicted on poor Job by his so called friends. As at first, Eliphaz is the first to respond to Job, but this time he takes off the gloves and picks up the baseball bat!
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Thank you, gentlemen, for another splendid discussion of the book of Job.
For what it is worth, Jono, when I was a lad in a mainstream evangelical denominational church my pastor would often like to declare, “God said it, I believe it, and that settles it.” Aren’t these words far more interesting when you approach them with a different perspective?
Why didn’t Job just say, “Go away and leave me alone.” ? Was he tempted to believe them? Why would he let them continue to rub salt in his wounds? UGH!
Ira, Thank you for addressing the controversial remark at the end. Timing is everything! His Kingdom is based on love and the laws of attraction, (we desire to be in His presence). “…they talk of a life of brotherly love show me someone who knows how to live it….” – Robert Zimmerman ~ Slow Train Coming
I am aware of how little I do know. His nature teaches us humility and kindness that gives us the peace and security that He desires us to obtain. Hallelujah praise His Holy name! Jono, your job is difficult and you perform it so well. Blessings upon both of your Houses. A mien
Thanks again Jono and Ira. Admittedly saddened by last brief comments made in this session, but very conscious of the reality of what was shared about Christians and Messianics. I can only empathise with what was said and pray to Yehovah for change where it is needed.
Also glad to be conscious of the fact that at least at an individual level before Yehovah those of us (Christians and Messianics) who are aware of our short comings towards Jews can at least pray for open eyes and changed hearts.
Much Love,