Kultured Karaite – My Journey from Methodist to Karaite
Listen as the Kultured Karaite shares her amazing journey from being born a Methodist to converting to Karaite Judaism. Also, prompted by her testimony, Jono hijacks the program to ask the listeners what may prove to be a highly controversial question.
Truth2U Radio is hosted, edited, and produced by Jono Vandor and all programs are made freely available to download. If these programs have been a blessing to you please consider showing your support by contributing a donation or partnering with Truth2U on a weekly or monthly basis. Thank you for listening!

[audio:https://truth2u.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Truth2U-Kultured-Karaite-My-Journey-from-Methodist-to-Karaite1.mp3|titles=Truth2U – Kultured Karaite – My Journey from Methodist to Karaite]

I listened to this episode on my way to work in my car and really enjoyed it…I can really identify with what Jono said about there being two groups of people, those pursuing religion and those pursuing truth and that the ones pursuing truth do not usually stick around in any one camp too long…i totally agree! I also liked the way Jono emphasized how the religious group is just as sincere as the truth seeking group…that is one reason I love this radio show because of the positive way of looking at things and the respectful/kind, bringing people together way of interacting with the guests and approaching topics…
I have some questions regarding the concept of animal sacrifice.
Is it off the mark to assume that animal sacrifices will resume in the future kingdom?
If animal sacrifice pointed to Messiah in the past then why can’t they point back to Him again in the future?
What do we make of the animal sacrifices in Ezekiels “future Temple”?
Did the earliest believers believe that animal sacrifice was “done away”?
If so, why did Shaul in Acts 18 continue to keep that Nazarite vow (with the appropriate animal sacrifices) years after the Messiah’s death and ressurection?
After reading the book of Hebrews it seems that there is no concept of future animal sacrifice. Can someone explain this aparent contradiction of interpretation?
Thanks the the help.
David, try research on the Place where YHWH put His Name…