Ira Michaelson – My Journey from Orthodox to Messianic to Contextual Judaism
Be challenged by Ira’s story as he sets the record straight and explains how he was born into Orthodox Judaism, journeyed through Messianic Judaism, and came out the other side as a Tanakh based contextualist.
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Wow, what a story, thank you Ira for being so honest and sharing this story. I really appreciate it π
This was wonderful. Ira, you and your journey have touched my heart deeply.
Prayers and blessings from the hand and heart of Yehovah be upon you, go before you, and keep your rear guard.
The definition of people who study and express their thoughts are practicing slander according to those who are in possession of the cash cows of sole sources of exclusive information is very funny!!
Both Ira and Jono. Thank you for your integrity. Its defiantly hard to find men of such integrity these days. We are very blessed that Yehovah is shining his face through His Torah and leading men of integrity from such diverse background’s to lead us back to His word.
Thanks Ira for sharing your journey! I pray that we all continue to learn and our journeys are not over yet! There’s much that I disagree with (obviously as a believer in Yeshua) but as you stated everyone has their own journey and decisions to make and I respect that. I know in my heart Yeshua led me back to the Father and therefore I can never deny him. I hope that those who listen, pray, and seek truth find it! Thanks again for being honest and sharing your struggles with the public.
Thanks for sharing Ira. I didnt come from Judaism at all. I try and glean from all who do, and why I listen to Jono’s interviews on here much. So, again, thank you for sharing your journey sir.
I appreciate Ira’s struggle with the ‘sacrifices’ issue, i have gone so for some time now as well. However, i see now where in the gospels or the letters that says Yeshua died in order for our sins to be forgiven or atoned for. Many verses have been translated in that way, but if you get behind the greek and in to the Hebrew it say many times over that it was for freedom from sin/ removal/purging/ sending away of sin which the animal sacrifices can not do – they can not stop us from sinning. At the resurrection when we enter the new covenant, sin is removed completely and we are enabled to live righteously in every way. As for the qayin and hevel issue – the idea that it’s possible to not sin at all (in any way), all i can say toto anyone is good luck with that, let me know how you get on. I know my understanding is far from complete, but as Ira says, we’re all on a journey here.
The really important things in life cannot be proven. Is there a creator being? If so, who is He? Did He/does He interact with man. Since these (and other) questions cannot be proven empirically every person accepts his/her opinions on faith. We believe what we believe not because we can prove our opinions on matters such as these, but rather, we choose to believe what we want to believe. We then try to find evidence that supports that which we have already chosen to believe. Often, however, even the evidence itself cannot be proven especially if it is text from ancient sources whose tongues are not our own, and whose customs which give that language form is strange to our eyes and ears.
Those of us who have chosen to believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and His covenants which He cut with these men by necessity must also believe in the texts which describes Him, His works, His promises, and His expectations of us. I have been perplexed for many years when I read these words and have cried out to Heaven for Orthodox Jews to teach me these words. The Eternal One, blessed be He, has sent me Yoel Halevi, Nehemia Gordon (although he is not Orthodox he counts as far as I am concerned ο), and now Ira Michaelson.
What Ira believes is his business. As far as I am concerned if he is willing to teach me Torah and the Prophets he is an answer to prayer. If Yeshua is the promised Messiah (and I am as convinced of that as I am the sun will rise in the east tomorrow) He is not threatened by Iraβs declaration. I do not know Ira. Ira and are not friends or even acquaintances, but from what I have heard from his teachings I believe him to be a sincere, learned and righteous man. If he is still willing to teach me I am willing to be taught by him.
thanks ira for sharing ur journey…its inspiring for me as im on a journey as well…im just starting and still have very far to go to know our Creator…the likes of you, nehemia, yoel ben shlomo, rabbi eli cohen and the other gsts jono had on his programs are all helping me to get to where YHVH is guiding me to be…its gonna be a long journey and lots of questions are on my mind but i know YHVH will lead my way, to know Him and dedicate my life to Him. Praise to YHVH! Shabbat Shalom to all!
What I know and heard of you Ira is from what has been broadcast here at Truth2U. Thanks so much for sharing the story of your journey. Having been on one of my own it was very encouraging to hear of yours. And of course thank you for taking the time to share with everyone your understanding of the Tanach.
Having listened to Mr. Michaelson with interest – there is study upon study to be done…my personal encounter with ‘Messiah’ was in 84′ when a young woman spoke to me at work about the ‘L-rd’. Being a Jewish woman I listened and she shared her understanding with me about the ‘L-rd’. She also prayed for me; something no-one had ever done for me – to my knowledge. My life at that time in shambles and seemingly hopeless. I accepted the free-will of believing in “Yeshua’. As a Jew I did not know about the scriptures only the traditional holidays, etc. The L-rd led me to a small church and I learned Torah; Tanach & Brit Hadesha. There has never been a doubt nor disappointment. I stand on the sacrifice Yeshua made for all men and I truly believe he is ‘G-d’s Son’ the Annointed ‘Moshiach’ Ben David.
Wish all of you blessings in your journey.
May Yehovah bless and protect you. May Yehovah shine His face towards you and be gracious to you. May Yehovah lift His face towards you and give you peace.
I believe Ira said “take away the messiah from the new testement and you have ‘NOTHING'”! Well, 97% of the new testement ‘is’ commentary on the old testement. However in both the old & new testement if you take away ‘everything/word’ except ‘LOVE’ & loving kindness, than you have the greatest commmandment of all, to which there is no condemnation. Perhaps everyone reading the bible has missed the point/goal. Choose the tree of life or choose the tree of ‘knowledge’ of good & evil
Shalom Judi,
We are currently transitioning to another location, and having a weekly Torah study. We will begin on Dec 8th as I am currently on vacation.
We will be meeting at the Holiday Inn Express in Clermont, Shabbat at 2PM
If you send me your email to I will make sure you are notified about our meetings.
Jono & Ira,
First of all, I want to thank you for the many nuggets I have received from “panning upstream” in the torah. But what I have heard in this program is from the “synagogue of satan” (which you have apparently dismissed as well as all of the apostolic writings, IF I understood you correctly) π π
IF Yeshua’s statements, “if you deny me, I will deny you before my Father” and “Depart from me, you workers of iniquity for I never knew you”, are true (and I believe they are), then I’ll suggest what I’m sure you’ve already heard numerous times: “Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand.”
Again, it is so sad that Yehovah coming to live among His chosen people to demonstrate how to live out Torah is insignificant to you and all unbelievers. Panning in THIS stream has only produced fool’s gold.
I will still listen to your program to pan for true nuggets.
G’day Joseph, here’s a program you might find interesting: Yoel ben Shlomo β Hell, Hades & HaSatan as well as the first few chapters of Job on Treasures from the Tanakh with Ira π
Joseph, I am curious? The verse which you are quoting from describes the people who are part of this synagogue as those who claim to be Jews and are not, as well as liars.
Why then would you want to pan for nuggets in such a polluted stream?
this was so good! ty Ira and Jono!
Interesting to say the least and i do agree
MR Michaelson has a path like of of us and choices we all must make. His choices are just that HIS and HIS path also is HIS path.
What ever happened to freewill?
The sadest part of all is how RIDICULOUSLY Hippocratic most other are…so QUICK to condem and not a DROP of LOVE and Compassion …
Judgement day is going to be VERY long for a host of people only to end opposite of what they thought….
You sound so much younger on air Ira! π
Thank you for sharing this.
There is so much I got from this.
What I love about your program is you challenge me rather then “convicting” me about my faith instead of useless supposed sins I might have done.
I love you guys.
Thanks again, Jono, for broadcasting information relevant to everyone who seeks to know and follow the truth wherever they may be in their personal journey of faith. And thank you, Ira, for your honesty and transparency. May Yehovah bless you both!
Jono… This was very interesting. I came out of the “Constantinian” church when I began to study Torah. I realized this is what is missing that has so many in ignorance. The N.T. is only a part of the Whole Truth. I do accept the sacrifice that Yeshua paid for me and nothing can change that. What I do desire is to learn to walk as Yehovah wants me to. I must study the Torah and Tanack if I want to know the Father’s ways. Thank you for having Ira, Nehemia and Yoel on to teach us from the Hebrew perspective, Very important.
Thank you for sharing your experiences publicly.
This has been very encouraging to me. I have been beating myself up thinking, How could I have stopped believing…after truly thinking Jesus was the truth? (This happened ’bout 1 yr ago).
Without a community, learning biblical hebrew properly is my concern now. Can you recommend any resources?
Thanks again,
Excellent program. I too am on a journey. One thing I have always questioned is why do we need Yeshua, when many times in the Torah people are forgiven by God after they have repented? And Abraham’s faith made him righteous. It seems so simple to understand. Why would God make Himself so mysterious that we have to rely on theologians and scholars to decipher His ways?
Hi Hope.
Job 19:25 says
“I know that my Redeemer lives; and that He shall stand at the latter day upon the earth:”
His Redeemer lives because the efficacy of Yeshua’s sacrifice was upon Job even then. Before He went to the cross, the believers like Abraham were justified by His righteousness just as we are today. We are both many years away from the cross, and yet it is as if the sacrifice was made for us today. It is difficult to reason with our finite minds because we live in time. Yehovah doesn’t live in time…I believe He created it for us. Yehovah’s best to you in the journey.