Yoel ben Shlomo – Light of the Prophets – 1 Samuel 11:1-11:15
I’d like to say a special thank you to Yehonatan “Prince HaLevi the 4th” who demonstrated such joy and laughter of a Jewish child who has no idea what Christmas is on the 25th of December.
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[audio:https://truth2u.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Truth2U-Yoel-1-Samuel-11.mp3|titles=Truth2U – Yoel – 1 Samuel 11]

There is no sound more pleasing to my heart than that of the sound of children laughing in play.
Yoel’s little boy’s laughter was like manna from heaven.
There can be no more pure nor joyful sound in all creation.
I’m certain even the Divine Counsel tuned in to hear this wonderous music for the heart and soul.
So please do not silence him, do not prevent him from doing what we, as G-D’s children, were created to do…worship Him with innocent merriment; for what better way can there be to truly praise Adonai? but as “a little child”???
Many blessings for this coming year. Shalom
Yo’El, please let Yehonatan a.k.a. prince HaLevi IV have his way because he knows how to loosen our tensed-up nerves. May his LAUGHTER be heard on ALL future Light of the Prophets programs.
And thank you Jono, Channi, the kids and everyone involved.
I wish Jono had “Like” buttons on these messages because I sure like what Lyn Walters wrote.
Lyn +1 🙂
May he freely walk the breadth and width of THE LAND!
There’s too much sadness in the world-allow the baby to laugh!
Loved to hear the laughter. Please don’t discourage him from being a happy boy while dad is ‘working’. They get older and grumpy soon enough. LOL
The laughter of children is a blessing:) When they laugh, we laugh and are blessed!
Don’t stop the laughter 🙂 There is nothing more precious.