Yoel ben Shlomo – Light of the Prophets – 1 Samuel 15:1-9
World War II memorial “Davidster” (Star of David) made by Dick Stins. Placed at the Marktstraat at the 12th of October 1967. The text at the side is in Dutch and Hebrew: Remember what Amalek has done to you…don’t forget (DEUT : 25.17.19′). The Marktstraat used to be the place of the former Jewish neighbourhood and synagogue. After a renovation of the street it was restored in 2007.
Truth2U Radio is hosted, edited, and produced by Jono Vandor and all programs are made freely available to download. If these programs have been a blessing to you please consider showing your support by contributing a donation or partnering with Truth2U on a monthly basis. Thank you for listening!

[audio:https://truth2u.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Truth2U-Yoel-1-Samuel-15-1-9.mp3|titles=Truth2U – Yoel – 1 Samuel 15 1-9]

Great 2 be back in the book with u 2! We just love our Shabbat studies with you guys, and it is even more fun now that we met you guys “in the land”! So I understand the whole Cainite bloodline controversey thing, but i would love to hear it discussed specifically by YOU two. There are a LOT of people deeply confused/missled by this “theology” surrounding the “kenite thing”. Perhaps a kenite special show with u2 and Jason from spiritual babies perhaps?? Thx for keeping it real boyz!!
he was despised (nivzeh) Isaiah 53:3