Yoel ben Shlomo – Light of the Prophets – 1 Samuel 20:1-42
David said to Jonathan, “Behold, tomorrow is the new moon, and I should not fail to sit at table with the king. But let me go, that I may hide myself in the field till the third day at evening. – 1 Samuel 20:5
Truth2U Radio is hosted, edited, and produced by Jono Vandor and all programs are made freely available to download. If these programs have been a blessing to you please consider showing your support by contributing a donation or partnering with Truth2U on a monthly basis. Thank you for listening!

[audio:https://truth2u.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Truth2U-Yoel-1-Samuel-20.mp3|titles=Truth2U – Yoel – 1 Samuel 20]

And the non-biblical quote of the year goes to, drumroll please, Jono Vandor for “we make great pets for the system”. Laugh out loud, roll on floor, then i cried a little cuz its so true :/
Good afternoon gentleman!
Good program as usual, what I am curious about (and hopefully either one of you two can shed some light on this; 1 Sam 20:6; annual sacrifice at Bethlehem??? Torah says to bring the slaughter to the front of the tent of meeting! What kind of sacrifice is David speaking of?
PS: Jono, I do click on the “Notify me of followups” and I never get a notification 🙁
Great discussion! Always a blessing studying along with you two!