Jono & Jason – Searching for Messiah in the Tanakh
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This is just my opinion: I believe Yeshua was the one Anointed in his time to be the one who came to declare the return of Yehovah’s kingdom and the reuniting of the two kingdoms of Israel back into one nation. I believe Yeshua will be returning because it says in 1Thess 4:14 that when Yehovah returns HE will bring with Yeshua those who have fallen asleep. I believe we are in the restoration of all things and that includes the true message Yeshua came to deliver. Moses said that there will come one – like unto me – who will hear directly from heaven. We must remember that Moses often spoke in the first person as most prophetic people who speak Yehovah’s words do. Yeshua also heard directly from the Father and spoke HIS words directly in the first person. I think that is where most people get confused not understanding the use of the prophet as HIS spokesman. I believe also that Yeshua – as the last adam – has become the first born from the dead. He has become the first born of those who are spiritually born again unto Yehovah. We do not yet know or understand all the purposes of Yehovah that were accomplished through Yeshua’s obedience to the Father’s instructions. We are just beginning to scratch the surface. But at least we are willing to look beyond what we have been told and taught and search out Yehovah’s truth which He has hidden for us in plain sight. Like Yeshua said to his disciples – it is not for them to know this truth – but it is for you to know the kingdom of Yehovah (paraphrased). I believe that as we search for Yehovah with all our hearts – He Will Be Found and He will reveal His truth to those who seek HIM. Let us continue on this narrow path that leads to life.
May Yehovah give HIS people eyes that see, ears that hear and hearts that hunger to understand and obey.
Most Christian’s Bibles have agenda to paint Yeshua into the verses as Messianic prophecies and they are not. In Habakkuk it is speaking of the nation of Israel.
Haven’t done the homework yet, but indeed I will.
All in all, I have to compliment you two on taking a high road regarding this volatile subject. Letting the context and the language set the tone.
Blessings on this Shabbat.
Jono could you please add the link to Tovia Singer, maybe I just didn’t see it? I would like to hear what he says about Daniel 9: PS I wrote everything down that you touched on and will search out the scriptures. Thank you both for helping me to understand the Torah. May Yehovah Bless both of you…
Jason & Jono, perhaps we should look up all the uses of ” savior”.
I agree with your conclusions (as I have studied the messianic prop I was taught for years). Hab was the clearest one. However to point out, i have noticed that the word “one” is usually added, not in Strongs of the original Hebrew.
This was not an easy conclusion as my background brought to mind all the years of study with agendas. I am not alone with the struggle to see just how blinded I was. Praise YAH for my sight of truth, just reading, no manipulating, truth is evident.
Thank you
I agree with you guys that our focus should be on Yehovah however isn’t it also THE WILL of Yehovah that the Messiah has been appointed over us, over Israel?? Daniel 7:13 “I saw in the visions of the night, and behold with the clouds of the heaven, one like a man was coming, and he came up to the Ancient of Days (to Yehovah) and was brought before Him. 14. And He (Yehovah) gave him dominion and GLORY and a kingdom, and ALL PEOPLES, nations, and tongues shall SERVE him; his dominion is an ETERNAL DOMINION , which will not be removed, and his kingdom is one which will not be destroyed.
Most of the people, be it kings or priests in Israel, who are called anointed, they were literally smeared with oil. But the New Testament does not give a record of Yeshuwa been smeared with oil by the priest of the day. And putting into account the record of the Old Testament, Yeshuwa cannot be the king promised to Israel for deliverance. He is the result of prooftexting.
Interesting program today.
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to respond I agree with Mary in part. My curiosity is why are you going through so much work to prove what Messiah means and not focusing on the most important issue this is, Is Jesus the Savior or not? It seems as you are going in and around about way to prove that Jesus is not Christ is not the Savior can you please answer this simple question do you believe that Jesus
is Christ the Savior yes or no?
This should be a very easy question for you to respond to?
I believe it is a fair question and this will make it easier for us to understand what you honestly believe whatever you believe should be clear decisive to your fans about your point of view on Jesus Christ.
We love your program and look forward to your reply.
Thank you.
Thank you, Sofia, for your comment. If I understand you correctly, you seem to be suggesting that the study of the word “mashiach” in the Tanakh challenges Jesus’ mashiach status.
It doesn’t matter what I believe, or anybody else for that matter, it only matters what the text says. If you have a problem with the text you cannot solve the problem by qualifying whether or not I believe the same as you. It does not change the words on the page. Now that you have been exposed to information you alone are responsible to deal with it and own your conclusions.
Nevertheless, it is a good idea, I think Mr. Spiritualbabies and I should do a Tanakh study on the word “savior”. Here’s the first verse that comes to mind:
Hello and
Thank you Jono
For your relpy.
I do have a longer response but it seems as it went beyond my first intention as I started out.
So I will just reply with a short response since you were kind enough comment on my post.
I suppose it will be very imperative to find out just who this Yehovah the only Savior is?
No as a matter of fact there is no challenge as far as the title ship of the Messiah and
Jesus Christ I believe that the name and the title is self explanatory how many years
have they associated the name Jesus and Christ it is only now that people have so much
easy access to a vast amount of information that they are coming to their own conclusions.
But the question is who is correct? Of course it is God’s word that is correct human error
has never been a unique concept so it is God’s Word vs. Man’s imagination who wins?
I am not a physic but I know who the winner is.
I will add this small portion from my first attempt to post a message since you were not so inclined to answer my first question perhaps you will answer this one? Do you think that the New Testament has a place next to the Old Testament? Or should we just disregard it and
only follow the Torah?
It is late or I should say early 4 : 15 AM here so I will close for now God willing I will
rewrite the first response that I decided not to send and see if it is sendable..
Have a nice day.
Thank you.
ty for sharing this guys! Please leave it up on the site for a while. I need to go back and listen again when I can sit. I listened while I was canning tomatoes and so I want to be able to sit and write the text down and listen closely. I have a love of the truth that Yehovah has given me. I am so wanting to understand this concept of Messiah in the tanach in order to be able to explain it to others when they ask.. I will be so glad when I get my Hebrew Bible and can sit down and read it. For now I will just have to use the KJV and esword. (((HUGS)))
There seems to have been a bit of a problem trying to post a comment.
I posted one last night and it seems to have vanished?
Is this a normal occurrence when commenting on your program?
Let’s have another go at it.
Perhaps there are particular rules or guide lines that must be followed can we post without having to agree on someone else’s interpretation of what is written in the bible? Or can we have an honest open discussion about what we believe as we read the written words in the bible. I have a feeling that if I do not agree with everyone else
I will not be invited to say what I believe,
Sure if it is obnoxious I can understand being censored but if the bible supports my position than what is the harm of saying what I believe?
I am sure that it has nothing to do with the truth?
Or does it?
Be a true man of God and let the truth shine fourth.
By the way are there any scriptures which prove that the Trinity not by name of course is supported in the Old Testament? It seems as you do not have very much confidence in the Gospels so it would be useless to show you any proof from the Book that you seem not to even want to mention YHVH must have really made a big blunder letting the Gospels be printed and exposed to millions of people all over the common world we are living in.
How long have they been trying to hide or destroy Gods truth today people have access to more knowledge and more ways to distorting the truth but it is not who will listen to and believe the lies, But rather only for those whom are predestine for the Kingdom of God it is they whom have been blessed by the Holy Spirit that begin to have a relationship with their Father. Not the person with all of the reference books and has no true understanding for if he did understand?
He would truly know who God is’
Because YHVH will reveal Himself to His true flock.
Is Yehovah schizophrenic or maybe He could have had a nervous breakdown?
No of course not’ none of that,
I believe just as in the beginning man is too darn wise for his own good!
There am I: and now the Lord God, and his Spirit, hath sent me.
Whoa wait a minute”
There is definitely three of something going on in this sentence.
15 I, even I, have spoken; yea, I have called him: I have brought him, and he shall make his way prosperous.
16 Come ye near unto me, hear ye this; I have not spoken in secret from the beginning; from the time that it was, there am I: and now the Lord God, and his Spirit, hath sent me.
17 Thus saith the Lord, thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; I am the Lord thy God which teacheth thee to profit, which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go.
18 O that thou hadst hearkened to my commandments! then had thy peace been as a river, and thy righteousness as the waves of the sea:
19 Thy seed also had been as the sand, and the offspring of thy bowels like the gravel thereof; his name should not have been cut off nor destroyed from before me.
“For if the gospel we preach is hidden, It is hidden only from those who are being lost.
He keeps them from seeing the light that comes from the Good News about the Glory of Christ
God bless…
G’day Sofia, you wrote “Do you think that the New Testament has a place next to the Old Testament? Or should we just disregard it and only follow the Torah?”
Firstly, if you do a New Testament study of the word “Scripture” you will find that it is always in reference to the Tanakh. Secondly, tell me, are you suggesting that the Torah is incomplete unto one’s faith? After all, “The Torah of Yehovah is perfect, converting the soul” – Psalm 19:7
G’day Sofia, I moderate the comments and I’m in Australia, which means I’m likely asleep when you comment. As for the concept of the Trinity I recommend the following verses:
But as you pointed out, Christianity doesn’t believe in just 3 gods but 4, “THE EVIL god OF THIS WORLD” as you (and Paul) put it.
You’ll be pleased to know that Mr. Spiritualbabies and I have done a special program on this Christian god. It is entitled “The Satanic Verses” and will be released Friday. Stay tuned
Hi Jono
Thank you Jono for all the awesome programmes on T2U, I check everyday in anticipation for something new on your site.
I have a request, can you guys maybe do a programme on deamons, evil spirits in the Tanach and NT? It seems like it is not really a Tanach concept as it appears in the NT and Talmud.
Thank you
l cant find the download link, l would very much want to hear this. from all your comments guys it seems a very interesting topic
At the end of this presentation, Jono, you mentioned that there will be 2 messiahs at the end times. What do you mean? Who are they? What scriptures say this?
Jono you crack me up….I really need to get you to Texas as well …:)
Blessings to the Family.
Thank you for taking the time to respond.
I have not replied since I figured I was writing to a partially closed mind I am happy to hear your confident attitude through your writing I agree with all that is written but the simple question still remains who really is this man whom clams to be the Messiah that rose from the grave? Is He a lunatic? A Liar? Or is He just another false Messiah? If no man has ever seen YHVH than who is it that has been revealing their self throughout the Torah from Genesis onto Revelations? You are well read but it does not make you correct going back to the church to catch up to what they are teaching is like taking a shower and than sitting on the toilet I believe that it is more but like perhaps 75% of the church is teaching the fluffy good feeling watered down version of the gospel it is milk diluted with water I would think that you have at least acquired the taste for flesh of goat since you prefer raising goats opposed to sheep perhaps it is the mohair or maybe the Land is brushy, lots of cedar, much underbrush, some oaks, rough hilly type terrain. I would have preferred the sheep perhaps it is because both sides of our family our Grandpas where sheepherders but back to the meat and potatoes of the bible the Torah and the Gospels are entwined and rooted together if you prefer one over the other you are missing the foundation of the Word of YHVH and this is why if we were in a perfect world we would most likely see eye to eye, But we are not in a perfect world. Therefore YHVH will send a strong delusion to those faint at heart since He is your creator He knows your very soul so if you have any doubt in His divine power and think that He is not who He claims to be than you will be left outside with the other lost souls until you get your scriptures in accord there is no more time for another Messiah to come, but the false one. So when you deny His Christ you deny the ELOHIYM who is in the Son and, He in Him. Well if I continue this will begin to get long and I am sure that you are a very busy person so I will not take very much more of your time I will leave you some easy reading and also a link that will also read the scriptures along with you. Without the Holy Spirit you will continue to be confused about the Messiah I did see the satanic verses that you and the Mr. spiritual-babies came up with I guess when you first aired it but I was not moved to even respond to it I am happy to have come to see what you were up to tonight and very surprised to see your response Thank you.
One question before I sign off.
Who was Joshua bowing down to in Joshua 5: 14?
Joshua went up to him and asked, “Are you for us or for our enemies?”
14“Neither,” he replied, “but as commander of the army of YHVH I have now come.”
Then Joshua fell facedown to the ground in reverence, and asked him,
“What message does my YHVHe have for his servant?”
15The commander of the ELOHIYM’s army replied “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy.” And Joshua did so.
I will add the passages and links I want to share with you on a new post so it is not too long.
Thank you
God bless.
Where do you come up with these ideas that Christians believe in not only three gods but four?
Just because you are confused does not mean that the next person is as well? I believe in one God.
As far as the devil he is much smarter than perhaps that you are willing to give him credit for.It surly seems like he has gotten you off of the right track. There is one God and the devil can only do what YHVH lets him do in the center of the most chaotic chaos YHVH is in total control all is in order.
Hakol Beseder B’Eli Haseder
I said 75% of the church is off of their rocker but in reality it is closer to 80 to 85% but I did not want to sound to over the top I believe that you are trying to bunch the 85% so called Christians and the Catholic
church together sorry to disappoint you by not making it easy for you to categorize every believer in Christ together the Holy Spirit reveals truths to those who truly believe in the Word of God.
Lets see what you do with the information that has been posted? They are not words from my imagination you have all of the links that verify what it written and I have the verification that they were posted I am being honest and corrigible I am looking forward to your reply I have very little reference’s I just rely on the Word of God’ I believe that He will clarify Himself no what’s if’s an ands about it! Because His Word is Sanctified.
Hashem Yimloch LeOlam Va’ed
It seems to me that this is assuming the verses are speaking of Israel and not the Messiah.
Mashiach is hidden in the Tenach. We need spiritual eyes to see.
LOL, Cynthia, isn’t that like saying David was the “Invisible Man”? And yet everybody could see him just fine
Jer 29:13 And you shall seek Me and find Me when you shall search for Me with all your heart.
Hi Bernard . I read in psalm 45:7 that Yehovah anointed Him with the oil of gladness .
Hi. I’m back! It’s not hard for me to believe that Yehovah can take on a human body and be born of a virgin if He wants to.
Sofia, who do you understand to be the “god” that Paul refers to in 2 Corinthians 4:4?
Good evening to one and all,
I have been walking this road for many years and have many friends whom are also changing there culture, as we do not believe it to be a religion as was the case in “christianity”. We need to change our entire approach to life and our surroundings to align with the word.
Regardless of views and opinions, the written word and context of the original text is all that matters, and it is only when we believe this that our eyes will be opened, to see the hidden things.
It is only once we grasp this concept in full (circumcision of the heart) that you will realize that the christian “god and jesus” and the Hebrew “YHVH and Y’hoshua” are opposites, and not different languages referring to the same things.
There is so much that one can share about this road things, but if I have come to know one thing in all these years, it is that YHVH stands at each individuals door and knocks and not man.
May we all find the light that guides our journey.