Yoel ben Shlomo – Light of the Prophets – 1 Samuel 27:1-28:25
“…What do you see?” And the woman said to Saul, “I see elohim coming up out of the earth.” He said to her, “What is his appearance?” And she said, “An old man is coming up, and he is wrapped in a robe.” And Saul knew that it was Samuel – 1 Samuel 28:13-14
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Good show jono …if you want my opinion the verse of 1 Sam 28:13 rendered spirit or god in the singular in some bibles. Actually the Hebrew text gives the answer it should be rendered “gods.” The modifying participle (translated “coming up”) is plural, therefore suggesting that lying spirits are the referent. Saul did receive a message from the spirit world but not from Samuel. Samuel, in fact, for one had refused to see the king, and two Samuel opposed spirit mediums being torah observant. it’s against torah “Anyone who inquires of the dead,” warns Deuteronomy 18:11, 12, is doing “something detestable to Yehovah. ? so ask yourself jono this Question ? If faithful Samuel were still alive as a spirit, would he violate God’s Torah and cooperate with a spirit medium in order to meet Saul? and Yehovah had refused to talk with Saul. Could a medium, in effect, force God Almighty to communicate with Saul by means of dead Samuel ? another thing you have to consider is that the impersonator of Samuel lied in part …you see the witch of endor did transmits a message of doom to King Saul. Not “tomorrow,” as the impersonator incorrectly says, but a number of days later King Saul and three, not all, of his sons fall in battle at Mount Gilboa. So there you go my take on it…you be the judge.
I have to disagree, first there is no wording that says that Shaul died three days later, so the spirit did not lie. The text is clear that it was Shamuel. Also it is interesting that the woman said it in the plural, while Shaul used the single. The word Elohim is in the plural, indicating it was not “The God” but a spirit. In regards to how could it be that God allowed here to use magic, well how does God allow any one to defile his will. He allows it to allow people to choose, Shamuel complained to Shaul about it using the verb רגז to indicate that this was not pleasant to him and was wrong.
Well Yoel your funny first it read again ? where did I ever say that Shaul died three days later? what I did say was a number of days later…not three days as you said, I said that King Saul and three of his sons not all of his sons died in the battle at Mount Gilboa. but the spirit said ALL OF HIS SONS WOULD DIE ..Ishbosheth did not die. ? so what do you call that? the truth? You also said I quote the woman said it in the plural, while Shaul used the single. The word Elohim is in the plural…well thats what I just said in my post I said Actually the Hebrew text gives the answer it should be rendered “gods.” ( Plural) The modifying participle (translated “coming up”) is plural. Then you said how could it be that God allowed here to use magic, well how does God allow any one to defile his will. He allows it to allow people to choose ? so what you are saying is that it was God’s will or he let him choose for his servant Shamuel to disobey and go against his own teaching on the matter of not talking to the dead by means of a medium ? and to talk to shaul which he too was disobeying torah…wow.