Herodion & the Two Faces of Herod
John rebuked Herod the tetrarch because of his marriage to Herodias, his brother’s wife, and all the other evil things he had done – Luke 3:19
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Ok Jono I am even more confused! I understand Keith’s and tour guides reason for not being comfortable with the mixing of temple and roman culture. So I am not comfortable with this mixing of charismatic seed with Torah.
Coming from the xtian background, I am so guarded. Therefore the open door dialog is very difficult to swallow, as I said I’m still chewing but it is all losing its flavor. I literally want to spit it out and quit eating.
I understand Nehemias need and reasoning behind the bridges, but isn’t that exactly what Herod did? I am constantly going to back to Torah and re reading–being reminded that is exactly what you 3 wanted us to always do. So is this whole dialog a trick? A test?
Bottom line-if I listen am I not allowing a door to be opened into a place I’ve rejected-while the Most High tells me to smash and burn the foreign images!
I realize I may be throwing the baby out with the bath water, as Nehemia tells us not to do. But honestly, if the bath water is dirty will the baby ever be clean, no matter how much he is scrubbed?
I usually try to be positive in my comments but this dialog is confusing this newbe joined with the servants of the El of Israel and I am very afraid.
Were you not a dirty baby in dirty water that became clean?