So Just How Many Messianic Prophecies Are There Really? – Episode #35 – Rabbi Michael Skobac

After debunking the alleged 365 messianic prophecies in the Tanakh that Jesus supposedly fulfilled in the New Testament, the question becomes, how many specific passages are there in the Tanakh that deal directly with the prophesied King of Israel that presides during what is commonly referred to as the Messianic era?

Isaiah 11:1-12, Jeremiah 23:5-6, Jeremiah 30:1-11, Jeremiah 33:14-18, Ezekiel 34:23-30, Ezekiel 37:24-28, Hosea 3:4-5, Zechariah 9:9-10

Join us for this year’s Tanakh Tour of Israel!

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The Counter-Missionary Survival Seminar

For more on the topic from Rabbi Skobac watch the YouTube below.

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  1. David says

    Jono, I certainly understand why you have rejected Yeshua as Meshiak, but is your objection really Yeshua or perhaps is there some middle ground?

    I too have passed through this minefield in my biblical studies. I too grew up in the 60’s as a charismatic, speaking-in-tongues, holy-ghost baptism … the whole deal. As I grew and studied, I too learned to treasure the Tanakh! But, rather than reject Yeshua, I have rejected the Catholic Church (Christmas, Easter, Trinity, etc) and I reject the Catholic apostle, Paul, along with all his writings (including Hebrews). At this point I cringe when anyone calls me Christian because that usually implies Catholic descent and beliefs which I now find abhorrent. Unfortunately, the Rabbinites are no better, so I can’t be a Jew.

    However, I think I have found a middle ground. If you limit your beliefs to just the writings of the twelve apostles of Yeshua (gospels, James, John, Peter), what then is your objection? I don’t really have a name for this religion, perhaps Messianic Karaite?

  2. Debra says

    Thank you for sharing your views. I was brought up in a Christian environment. It has been so confusing for me. I am in my fifties now and still battle my own beliefs vs. Christianity vs. Judaism. While listening to your broadcast, you stated something that has always been a serious issue with me. You stated all of Isaac’s seed are included in the blessings and counted as one. (paraphrasing, of course) I have been dismayed by the fact so many were disowned like the male servant of Abraham ( who in my opinion, was so much more righteous, faithful, and trusting than Abraham or Sarah ever were) and Esau and his descendants would not be “blessed” by Jehovah and all of Creation, when clearly the stories show that even Esau loved his wife and family and brother. Anyway, thank you for showing me Jehovah is more loving and compassionate than it reads in the scriptures by including all of Isaac’s seed. ALL. As someone who was baptized in a Baptist Church, this is only my opinion, my belief is so many people are looking for Israel through Jesus. There aren’t many Jewish communities in the USA and throughout the world and many are looking for the heart of Jehovah and Israel. The only access we have to either is through the stories/life of Jesus. Who gave us the stories of Jesus? The Catholic Church. The Romans killed all the Israelite’s who believed in Jesus’ teachings. They in turn gave the world their own version of who Jesus was and who/what he stood for. They never understood who he was or what he stood for. The Jesus we have today is not the Jesus all of us are hungry for. The real Jesus would have never went against the teachings all of you have grown up in. Christians are hungry for the Messiah. The Messiah has his chosen. Now it is up to you to feed the rest of us. We will not find it in any church. Please know, all who are “Christian” and I do believe this also applies to Islam, all of us want to belong. We all want to be chosen by the Creator. To be honest, I really do not know what being “chosen” is. I believe the most of us are more like the Herod who beheaded John the Baptizer. We want to be chosen as a royal, king, princess, etc.. We all want to be seen as worthy or as Jehovah’s #1. That is how I see Christianity.

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