The Rapture, It’s Written In The Stars? – Jono & Jason

Could the Tarantula Burger be the new bold declaration of the Christian faith?! Are Catholic priests about to take brides? Did Jesus Christ change his name to Joseph Crumb? Listen before the world ends on April 23rd as Jono & Jason discuss the wacky religions around the globe, including the astrological Christian prophet, Michael Rood.

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  1. Yahfllr says

    if only i learned of the rapture coming eariler this month …. i would not have paid my taxes just for spite!!

  2. 1wannabejew says

    You two wacky characters bring so much laughter into the world! I was drawn to the title of this video–“Countdown to the Rapture”–thinking it was going to be at least a semi-serious discussion of Christian teaching on this topic. I should have known better. Putting you two together is like putting a match to
    a firecracker. I hope I can shake off the image of our President riding through the sky on a white horse!
    By the way, I wonder how Christianity would have fared if the idea of a rapture had never become part
    of Christian eschatology, and instead the expectation was that Christians would remain here on Planet
    Earth to suffer through the 7-year tribulation period along with the rest of the population? I daresay the
    Christian religion might never have spread beyond the Pond.

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