Gleanings From Genesis – TOP TEN – Dr James Tabor & Ross Nichols – Episode #8
Top Ten Genesis Gleanings (Chapters 1-3)
- At the first of ELOHIM creating … ordering not origin of the universe
- ELOHIM=EL/Eloah, EL Elyon, EL Shaddai=Force or power, thus “the Force of all Forces” and the concept of the nameless “unnamed” One
- YeHoVah used for the first time in 2:4 is not a “name” per se, and only come into use later—Exodus 6:3, but at burning Bush, Elohim of Abraham, et al.); then in 3:13-Ehyeh Asher Ehey” and Ye-Ho-Vah (Will/Is/Was)
- Good, good, good, good, good, good, and exceedingly good! The material world is not lower, inferior, in a dualistic Greek sense
- Be fruitful and multiply is the first commandment; and the Eden diet of fruits, seeds, and green plants is given to humans as their ideal.
- Humans are living “life breathers” (nephesh)—along with other breathing creatures. 1:20, 24, 2:7 not a reference to a “living soul” or immortal spirit.
- “Breath of life” is also not an immortal soul put into a body—but used for all living things 1:30, etc. Humans are “soil-creatures,” “dust of the earth” and do not have “eternal life” (3:22). Death is not life, it is a “return to the dust,” where the breath of life goes forth—a precise reversal of 2:7 and 2:19.
- Humans are in the Elohim image and likeness—male AND female…together as one; a “help” corresponding to him; with a double meaning in sexual union—the two become “one” (2:24)
- The “Nachash” is not a snake or even the later “Satan,” but an intelligent “shining one” who raises the alternatives to “what God said.”
- The tree of the “knowledge of good and bad” is not a “Fall” but a necessity with “coming of age.”

I am breathless and I so enjoyed this and even all the other podcast on “Gleanings from Genesis” by By James Tabor, also Ross Nichols and Jono Vandor. A review of the chapter 1-3 was just “dynamic”, I guess that’s a word that might come close to podcast #8. I see the book was not needed upon seeing posted a download of “Top Ten Gleanings to follow, wow. But Genesis has 50 chapters total, so go get the book people! I see there is a Pesach sale now going on, that is wonderful. Thanks to all for such insight and guidance into the Hebrew meaning of the scriptures. This is so needed now. Chag Sameach to all
If “nachash” means shining one then what does “helel” mean? Everything I find on line (including Biblical hebrew sites) say “nachash” means serpent or snake. I’m a little confused. I have never liked assuming the “serpent” in Gen. 3:1 was Satan or the Devil but doesn’t “helel” mean shining one? Enjoying the series. Just an old man questioning?
What happens after Episode 8? Why the long hiatus!?
I doubt you’ll see this since these are older podcasts, but I’m hopeful you can provide some feedback. In Genesis 2:12, YHVH ELOHIM specifically declares the gold “good”. It really stands out to me. I was wondering if any of you have an interpretation of why He specifically calls out the gold as good almost immediately after calling the entire creation exceedingly good? This series was awesome! Does it continue or is this the last episode?
Hi Michael, that’s an excellent question. Many scholars will propose that there are two creation stories, that the Eden story knows nothing of the 6-day creation story. This being the case, the application of the term “good” has no connection to the other.