The Text Of The Moses Scroll – Episode #16 – Ross K Nichols
Ever since Moses Shapira brought The Moses Scroll to the public in 1883 it has been and continues to be, keenly debated in the scholarly world. One point of contention, the commandment as it appears in the document: “You shall not respond • against your brother • with a testimony of • deceit. • I am • Elohim • your Elohim. •” Why is this so controversial? Listen as Ross unfolds the story.
The Shapira Strips in Light of Paleography: Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast, Semitica 63 (2021): 243-94 – Matthieu Richelle
In press 2021. Sass B. Can a unique letterform clinch the authenticity of the Shapira leather manuscripts? A rejoinder to Matthieu Richelle. Semitica 63, 223–242. – Benjamin Sass