The Text Of The Moses Scroll – Episode #18 – Ross K Nichols
Fragment F of The Moses Scroll is literally a crossword puzzle. It is entirely unreadable but for a scattering of identified letters in the first column. Listen to Ross as he explains how he solved the puzzle to reconstruct the paragraph that appears immediately after the Decalogue. His reconstruction reads as follows: [… “Y]ou [speak] with u[s and we will hea]r, [but let n]ot [Elohim] speak with [us lest] we die. And Elohim heard [your] word[s. And Elohim said to me, “I have heard the words that this people have spoken to you. They are good, all that] they have spoken. • Oh tha[t they had such a heart in them as this, to fear Me and to guard all of My commandments all the] days, in order that [it might go well with them and their sons after them.]

Just wondering why I can’t read public comments on your episodes anymore. Thanks guys,great research!