Why We Are No Longer Fundamentalists – Jono & Ross
As keen students of the Hebrew Bible, Moses Scroll enthusiasts, and tour-leaders of the Holy Land, how exactly would we describe ourselves? Find out in our latest show!

As keen students of the Hebrew Bible, Moses Scroll enthusiasts, and tour-leaders of the Holy Land, how exactly would we describe ourselves? Find out in our latest show!
I tell people, I don’t know what to call myself anymore. I think the best title is “Truth Seeker” 🙂
You’ve described my journey perfectly. Lonely, but worth it because reason was not gifted exclusively to us humans to be ignored. Especially not because we are afraid to raise uncomfortable questions to other believers. The nature and propensity of people in any time period to spin a doctrine to their own political advantage should be recognizable to us by now. I can’t be oblivious to at least the potential for human failure at a time where written language was so unavailable to most. Good on ya.