INFAMOUS: Shapira’s Grand Performance – London [JULY 1883] – Ross & Jono

Ross & Jono journey with Moses Shapira as he steps into the heart of London, unwavering and convinced of the authenticity of his biblical manuscript. Arriving unannounced at the Palestine Exploration Fund (PEF) headquarters in July 1883, Shapira sets the stage for what William Simpson would describe as ‘Shapira’s Grand Performance.’ Through meticulous historical accounts, including Simpson’s firsthand narrative and Sir Walter Besant’s autobiography, we uncover the dramatic unfolding of events as Shapira presents his findings to England’s most esteemed scholars. As Shapira confidently unveils his ancient treasure, the episode delves into the connections between Freemasonry and the influential figures of London who found themselves intertwined with the Shapira Fragments saga. Amidst the suspense and scholarly debate, a single assertion stands out, marking the climax of Shapira’s presentation: ‘This is one of the few things which could not be a forgery and a fraud.’ Join Ross & Jono on a voyage back in time to witness a pivotal moment in biblical archaeology and the quest for historical truth. This episode is a testament to the enduring allure of history’s mysteries and the relentless pursuit of authenticity.

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