The Reason for the Division of Tribes in the Blessing/Curse Ceremony on Mount Ebal/Gerizim As Revealed in the Shapira Scroll

Not since my days in college have I applied myself to academic writing. But I have decided to do just that after decades of audio and video podcasting, and I am enjoying it immensely. I have published my first paper on my Academia page. It reveals what appears to be an intentional calculation behind the division of tribes in the blessing/curse ceremony upon Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal. It explains why the Levites were chosen to proclaim the blessings and curses from the valley below. It revisits traditional and modern solutions and commentary commonly attached to the key biblical passages. It demonstrates the deliberate balance of matriarchal/patrilineal seniority between the two groups as revealed only in the Moses Scroll and in concurrence with both the matriarchal order and birth order of sons of each matriarch as recorded in the Book of Genesis. I believe this equation lends greatly in favour of not only the authenticity of the scroll but also that it is a Proto-Deuteronomic text.

Click here to read The Reason for the Division of Tribes in the Blessing/Curse Ceremony on Mount Ebal/Gerizim As Revealed in the Shapira Scroll

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