Which Golden Calf Came First? Jono, Ross, & Ezra
KI TISSA – (Exodus 30:11–34:35): From the chaos of the Golden Calf—those unholy cows—to the enigma of Moses’ horns. Why did counting heads spark divine danger? What’s with God demanding atonement for a simple census? And how does the sanctuary shekel tease messianic threads? We sift through textual oddities, priestly turf wars, and whispers of Aaron’s role as a later swipe at Jeroboam. Was Aaron’s part penciled in after the fact? Who carved the second tablets, and which Ten Commandments survived the rewrite? Then there’s Moses—did his face shine with glory, or did a quirky translation give him horns? Join us as we unravel these wild tales, from unholy cows to sacred showdowns, in Ki Tissa’s tangled depths!