Torah Pearls – Season 2 – Emor – Jono & Jason

Now the son of an Israelite woman, whose father was an Egyptian, went out among the children of Israel; and this Israelite woman’s son and a man of Israel fought each other in the camp. – Leviticus 24:10

Join us for this year’s Tanakh Tour of Israel!

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  1. Mari Silver says

    Jason is correct about roadkill diners in the US. Although most states have health laws restricting this, there are a few who do not. You can read a good summary of this phenomena on Wikipedia.

  2. Tim Stark says

    Hello Guys, My husband laughed very hard at your roadkill discussion, at the things that are taken literally, by other countries, about America. Truely you could not run a restaurant on wait, that an animal would be killed on the road, business just doesn’t work that way, What’s in a name? It means things that are not domesticated, that do get killed on the road, ie: Possum, Coons, snakes, deer etc, wild animals, would be on the menu. If there are restaurants that do serve literal roadkill, the health dept., If they found out, would shut them down immediately. It is not legal. We really enjoy listening to you two and your guests weekly. Shalom Tim & Suzanne Stark – In the other Washington, ha

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