Ross and Jono have finally reached the focal point of the text of The Moses Scroll: the Ten Words. In this episode, they provide details about what set THIS version of the Decalogue apart from all others.

In Deuteronomy, the Shema comes after the Ten Commandments. In The Moses Scroll, it comes before. Which is more consistent? Is there a detectable pattern in the Pentateuch when it comes to instruction? Find out in this week's episode. JOIN ROSS NICHOLS, TOVIA SINGER, & JONO VANDOR ON TANAKH TOURS!

The Pentateuch contains several sections that purportedly describe the travel itinerary of the Children of Israel in their wilderness journeys. Sorting the route has proven most difficult due to inconsistencies between books, conflicting place names in the various sources, confused geographical references, and occasional references from later scribes. Numbers 33:1-2 informs us in the third…