In this episode we explore the final Torah portion in Genesis, Vayechi (Genesis 47:28–50:26). We dive into Jacob’s last moments, his blessings of Ephraim, Manasseh, and his twelve sons, and the profound numerology woven into the narrative. We discuss whether Joseph’s story was a later addition, the theological implications of "the angel who redeemed Jacob,"…

This week on Torah Pearls we unpack the emotional climax of the Joseph narrative—his dramatic revelation to his brothers. High drama unfolds as the brothers stand before Joseph, unaware of his identity. Judah steps forward with a heartfelt plea, but pay close attention: while Judah shows concern for Benjamin, his ultimate focus is on their…

In this episode, we delve into Pharaoh's dreams and their striking similarity to other biblical narratives, like those in Daniel, and uncover evidence of multiple sources in the Joseph story. Along the way, we highlight Egyptian loanwords, including names and places, and examine the significance of Asenath, Joseph’s Egyptian wife. The episode also touches on…

This episode explores the theological shift that begins with the Joseph saga, where divine encounters give way to vivid dreams and human drama. Discover the symbolic garment changes in Joseph’s story, untangle the mystery of Jacob referencing Joseph’s mother posthumously, and examine the multiple sources woven into the narrative by ancient scribes. We also touch…

We explore Jacob’s mysterious wrestling match and the meaning behind the name "Israel." From the significance of Peniel/Penuel to the renaming of Bethel and the birthplace of Benjamin, we uncover layers of meaning often overlooked in the text. We discuss the demonization of Reuben, the complexities of the tribal hierarchy, and insights from the Moses…