Why is Armageddon marked as the battlefield for Israel's final war? Join Rabbi Tovia Singer and Jono Vandor for this eye-opening and unforgettable broadcast on the End of Days! Join us for this year's Tanakh Tour of Israel! [karma_by_kadar__simple_player title="Truth2U" src="https://truth2u.org/wp-content/uploads/Audio/Truth2U%20-%20Armageddon%20Vs%20Megiddo%20-%20Rabbi%20Tovia%20Singer.mp3" volume="0.9" autoplay="true" downloadable="true" color="1"] [wp-post-slider]

In this week's show, your hosts take things in a different direction. Ross and Jono discuss several news stories related to Politics. Listen in to their views on Australia’s recent recognition of “West” Jerusalem as the Israeli Capitol, two recently elected U.S. Congressional members who support BDS, and Yair Netanyahu latest troubles. Check out Political…