Saint Valentine’s Day Over A Glass Of Wine – Jono & Jason
Join Jono & Jason at the local pub for a fun chat about Saint Valentine and the history thereof.
Join Jono & Jason at the local pub for a fun chat about Saint Valentine and the history thereof.
This weeks show sees Jono and Jason take a light-hearted look at our opinion of the 'Noahide' label and commands as well as the usual rabbit trails and nonsense. Join us for this year's Tanakh Tour of Israel! [wp-post-slider]
As the world celebrates Halloween, Jono keeps Jason up way too late as they examine the horrors that lurk within the New Testament, including "Jesus' Halloween Prank," among other topics! Join us for this year's Tanakh Tour of Israel!
What is this week's apocalyptic forecast? Is there such a thing as an undercover counter-missionary? Should we honour the memory of renowned Christian evangelists? All this and more in this week's J&J News!
300 years have passed since he wrote his note ...hidden in the last place you would expect to find it! Join Jono & Jason as they ascend to the second heaven on a magical unicorn goat to battle some of the more bizarre religious news articles of the week!