Tovia Singer talks straight on the Israel/Gaza conflict
Listen in with Jono & Jason as Tovia Singer, director of Outreach Judaism and author of the recently released comprehensive two volume work entitled “Let’s Get Biblical: Why Doesn’t Judaism Accept the Christian Messiah?“, takes the gloves off and tells it like it is regarding the current Israel/Gaza conflict with both optimistic and alternative perspective.
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I will tell you a true story. I was traveling on a train to Rabat with a friend in 1973 before the Egypt Israel conflict. A man in one of Savile Rows finest suits was sitting in the car with us and he and I struck up a conversation. He turned out to be an Egyptian Army officer serving in the Egyptian embassy in Rabat. He told me many things over the long ride but the one I want to impart to you guys is he called the Palestinians those “dirty Amalekites.” I would suggest the Israeli government start calling them Amalekites. Good conversation. Thanks, Jim Hayman
This conflict will never end as long as Muslims are called Palestinians. It means Israel will forever be accused of illegally occupying Israel. There’s nothing more shameless than a Roman Pope condoning this blatant genocidal falsehood.
Thank you for the thought provoking perspective and insight from Tovia. I did not realize the Iron Dome can be similar to Western medicine and the pharmaceutical industry, exhausting an ongoing and enormous amount of resources to treat symptoms and not the cause.
From what I understand, anti-Semitism is having no love for the Torah of our Creator, The God of Israel, and hostility toward the Jewish people, appearing in the blatant forms of Hamas with the UN, and more cleverly through mainstream Christianity.
In my past belief as a Christian I was totally unaware of how anti-Semitic I was, and honestly, I never desired to be. Ignorance is not bliss, thanks to Jono for having guests providing us with information to help us make clear decisions concerning our faith.
@Darren. Too bad there is not a “like” button here. Anyway here’s my *like* to your comment
The ‘Iron Dome’ reminds me of a ‘Star Trek” episode in which two planets have been waging a virtual computer war for hundreds of years. When a virtual missile hit was registered, all the people in that area were required to report to extermination chambers. Captain Kirk was able to end the war simply by destroying the extermination chambers on one of the planets. As a result the planet was faced with real missile attacks, which forced them to communicate with the other planet for the first time in hundreds of years to negotiate a cease fire and resolve the conflict.