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  1. Charles says

    Thank you both for having the courage to wrestle with these highly charged subjects. I know that you both rub elbows with very strident, pious and respectable people who will probably reject the question outright, without grappling with the evidence. Perhaps even cast conspiratorial glances in your direction. I for one, however, believe that God is tough enough to handle sincere and rational criticisms from good men who are trying to make sense of serious contradictions regarding the most pondered subjects under the sun:
    What does our Creator really want from us?
    Has his sacred message been added to? Subtracted from? Twisted out of context by ordinary men? Exploited?
    Are these not questions worth asking???

  2. Joseph ZP says

    I am looking for this book, but cannot seem to find it. Perhaps you know what I can get it soon.
    It is called Misquoting Moses: The Story Behind Who Changed the Tanak and Why by Ross K Nichols, or it might be by James Tabor also. Thank you!

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