INFAMOUS: XVI Fragments – Episode 2 – The Scroll BEFORE The Dead Sea Scrolls – Ross & Jono

In “The Moses Scroll: A Prelude to the Dead Sea Scrolls,” hosts Ross & Jono delve into the captivating story of Moses Wilhelm Shapira and his intriguing acquisition of sixteen ancient leather fragments. This instalment bridges Shapira’s enigmatic find, often referred to as the Shapira Scrolls, with the landmark discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in the Qumran Caves, offering fresh perspectives on the historical and religious significance of both. Initially, the authenticity of Shapira’s manuscript, which he claimed contained an ancient version of the Old Testament’s Book of Deuteronomy, was met with skepticism, but based on what we now know, leading scholars are reconsidering the question of authenticity and siding in favor of the infamous leather fragments. Listeners are invited to reconsider previous assessments and explore the fascinating possibility that Shapira’s scrolls may have been a legitimate precursor to one of the 20th century’s most significant archaeological discoveries. “The Dead Sea Scrolls Precursor” encourages a reevaluation of past judgments and opens up a dialogue about the intersections of biblical history and ancient discoveries.

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