The Jerusalem Stone Tablet Inscription – Jono & Ross
In The Moses Scroll, Ross presented evidence that Moses Wilhelm Shapira was involved in early efforts to decipher the Siloam Inscription. In this video, Ross and Jono discuss the details from 19th Century reports that prove beyond doubt that Shapira was the first to recognize the meaning of the ancient inscription and was correct about…
Shortly after the discovery of the Mesha Stele (Moabite Stone) in 1868, artifacts purportedly discovered in Transjordan and testifying to an ancient Moabite culture made their way to the Jerusalem shop of Moses Wilhelm Shapira. They were initially believed to be authentic. The Germans, having recently failed in their attempt to acquire the Mesha Stele,…
It was my privilege to speak at the 79th United Israel World Union annual conference in Louisiana last week. I spoke on some of the things that blew my mind about The Moses Scroll over the last couple of years of studying the manuscript. It was a challenge to choose what to include in my…
Biblical archaeology is abuzz with news of a new find upon Mount Ebal. What does it say? How old is it? Also, recent news reported that the Siloam Inscription was going to be returned to Israel from Istanbul. But why is it there in the first place and what does it have to do with…
Fragment F of The Moses Scroll is literally a crossword puzzle. It is entirely unreadable but for a scattering of identified letters in the first column. Listen to Ross as he explains how he solved the puzzle to reconstruct the paragraph that appears immediately after the Decalogue. His reconstruction reads as follows: [… “Y]ou [speak]…