Paul and Jesus – Dr James D. Tabor
Jono and Jason meet with James D. Tabor to discuss some of the themes covered in his book, Paul and Jesus.
Jono and Jason meet with James D. Tabor to discuss some of the themes covered in his book, Paul and Jesus.
Jono and Jason discuss a proposed cable car line suggested for the old city and the issues it has caused because of its proximity with a Karaite graveyard. Along the way, the conversation takes in flight, ceilings, plastic bags and the dangers of penis enlargement. [karma_by_kadar__simple_player title="Truth2U" src="" volume="0.9" autoplay="true" downloadable="true" color="1"] [wp-post-slider]
Jono and Jason (stepping in for Ross) take a look at Eurovision 2019 and ask is BDS related to BDSM? How does Israel measure up with other countries when it comes to global power, health and happiness? Join us for this year's Tanakh Tour of Israel! [wp-post-slider]
Join Jono & Jason at the local pub for a fun chat about Saint Valentine and the history thereof.
Have you ever wanted to hear the Christmas narrative told from a Jewish perspective? Can you imagine the story of the birth of Jesus narrated by an Orthodox Rabbi? Now you have that opportunity! Listen as Rabbi Tovia Singer recounts in detail the introductory events across the Gospels. More importantly, Tovia addresses the Gospel fulfilment…
Everything I command you that you shall be careful to do it. You shall neither add to it nor subtract from it. If there will arise among you a prophet or a dreamer of a dream, and he gives you a sign or a wonder, and the sign or the wonder of which he spoke…
This weeks show sees Jono and Jason take a light-hearted look at our opinion of the 'Noahide' label and commands as well as the usual rabbit trails and nonsense. Join us for this year's Tanakh Tour of Israel! [wp-post-slider]
As the world celebrates Halloween, Jono keeps Jason up way too late as they examine the horrors that lurk within the New Testament, including "Jesus' Halloween Prank," among other topics! Join us for this year's Tanakh Tour of Israel!
This week’s show finds Jason still keeping the mic warm for Ross as he and Jono share some of the news, good and bad, funny and weird, from Israel! Join us for this year's Tanakh Tour of Israel! [sg_popup id=2] [wp-post-slider]
This week Jono reflects on the Royal visit and asks Jason, who supports Israel and also the Royal family, how he feels about Prince William’s tour of Israel. -with Jono Vandor & Jason Vincent. Join us for this year's Tanakh Tour of Israel! [sg_popup id=2] [wp-post-slider]
This week Ross is on top secret training in the holy land and Jono has a special guest. Long time listeners will remember Jason from the show! In today’s show, Jono and Jason discuss Ireland’s 1000-year-old Jewish past, Dublin’s Jewish Museum and Jason’s Jewish guided walking tour through ‘Little Jerusalem’. Jewish Dublin Walking Tours Join…
From the major key Touchdown Jesus, Buddy Christ, and Jim Bakker's Morningside theme-park Jesus, to the minor key "Homeless Jesus", this episode has it all! Join Jono & Jason with Rabbi Tovia Singer for this and other curious conversational topics. Join us for this year's Tanakh Tour of Israel! [sc_embed_player fileurl="" autoplay="true" loops="true"] Download [sg_popup…
Could the Tarantula Burger be the new bold declaration of the Christian faith?! Are Catholic priests about to take brides? Did Jesus Christ change his name to Joseph Crumb? Listen before the world ends on April 23rd as Jono & Jason discuss the wacky religions around the globe, including the astrological Christian prophet, Michael Rood.
A Rabbi recently claimed that laboratory cultured swine flesh could be kosher to eat even with dairy! So Richard Dawkins asked the question, why not laboratory cultured human flesh?!? Join the discussion with Jono & Jason on this and many other "tongue in cheek" topics! Join us for this year's Tanakh Tour of Israel! [sc_embed_player…
But Moses said to the people, “Do not fear! Stand by and see the salvation of the Lord which He will accomplish for you today; for the Egyptians whom you have seen today, you will never see them again forever." - Exodus 14:13 Join us for this year's Tanakh Tour of Israel! [karma_by_kadar__simple_player title="Truth2U" src=""…
What is this week's apocalyptic forecast? Is there such a thing as an undercover counter-missionary? Should we honour the memory of renowned Christian evangelists? All this and more in this week's J&J News!
300 years have passed since he wrote his note ...hidden in the last place you would expect to find it! Join Jono & Jason as they ascend to the second heaven on a magical unicorn goat to battle some of the more bizarre religious news articles of the week!
Our awesome and much-loved son, Bela Ben Yehonatan (known to most as Will or Bill), has turned 13 years old! He was determined to do his Bar Mitzvah and honour the memory of his beloved older brother, our firstborn son Jonah, whom we sadly lost 6 months ago. Will studied hard with Rabbi Tovia Singer…
This episode is an honest reminder that life is full of ups and downs, pain and joy, achievement and setbacks, wisdom and stupidity. We celebrate birthdays and remember those whom we have lost. We highlight a new siddur entitled Alignment Refinement, curated and edited by our friend, Ken Lane of Kol Chesed HaTorah Community. We…
British Israelism, the Stone of Herpes, leprechauns, The Infancy Gospel of Jesus, a virgin versus sharks, the second coming of Jimmy Christ, Catholic spies, and flat-earthers! This episode has it all!!! Join us for this year's Tanakh Tour of Israel! [sc_embed_player fileurl="" autoplay="true" loops="true"] Download If you enjoyed this program and would like to hear…
THE super blue blood moon that will appear at the end of the month is a sign the apocalypse is nigh and Jesus Christ will return, according to a bizarre theory. - Express, Sean Martin Join us for this year's Tanakh Tour of Israel! For more fun like this with Jono & Jason click here…
Watch as Jono explains how the NKJV Nelson's Study Bible rightfully warns its readers not to confuse the terms "Nazarite" & "Nazarene" ...and then, in desperation, deliberately confuses the two terms hoping no one will notice. Why? Because the writer of the Gospel of Matthew insists that Matt 2:23 is the fulfilment of multiple prophecies…
Join Jono and Jason in another in the 'Gospel Truth' series in which they search the Tanakh for the passages used as 'prophecy' in the 'New Testament' according to the Blue Letter Bible's own list. Join Us On The Truth2U Israel Tour, November 2017 Visit Jason at [sg_popup id=1]
Listen to Jono & Jason as they wade through the theological intricacies of the perpetual Catholic cannibalism of Jesus, including the recent reaffirmation of a 2003 directive regarding gluten. Can a gluten-free host prevent the magical process of changing into flesh? Find out in this episode! Join us for this year's Tanakh Tour of Israel!
Watch Jono & Jason respond to Zachary Bauer's "New2Torah" video in which he champions human sacrifice and perpetuates a sinister anti-Semitic lie. Hear what Rabbi Tovia Singer reveals about this dark portrait of the Jew that Zachary so desperately paints. Join us for this year's Tanakh Tour of Israel! Hear Rabbi Michael Skobac's 3 Part…
Part 3 of our walk through the Blue Letter Bibles own list of New Testament prophecy found in the Tanakh. In this show, Jono and Jason look at a snippet from a verse in Hosea and ask two questions, 'who is the son'? and 'who was this speaking to'? Open your bibles and read along!…
Behold a star! Jono & Jason take the Blue Letter Bible’s list of Parallel Passages to investigate quotations from the Jewish Bible found in the Christian New Testament and ask the question, 'Does the Jewish bible mean what the New Testament says?' TOUR ISRAEL WITH TANAKH TOURS
Is a Virgin really the sign of the times? The New Testament uses phrases from the Old Testament over 800 times. Join Jason and Jono as they take a look at the source material and ask the question, 'Does the Jewish bible mean what the New Testament is implying?' TOUR ISRAEL WITH TANAKH TOURS!
Is Israel the sexiest place on the planet? Is Israel using sex to undermine those who stand against it? Some people say so. Join Jono and Jason in this saucy jaunt into some of the silly, serious but mostly sexy stories related to Israel this week! [audio:|titles=] Download
What did it mean to the Egyptians when the Israelites publicly and graphically slaughtered a lamb? Why is the Passover lamb the opposite to a sin sacrifice and how does the New Testament confuse these concepts in the Christian Easter? Listen to Rabbi Tovia Singer's revealing explanation! Join us for this year's Tanakh…
Join Jono and Jason on a scare-filled walk through the New Testament as they examine the Top Ten Halloween stories in the text. Join us for this year's Tanakh Tour of Israel!
This was one of the most uplifting and edifying shows that I ever participated in. When you tune into this stirring study of the closing passages of the Torah you will understand why this show is completely unique: all of Jewish history comes into view through the lens of our beloved Law Giver, Moses, of…
Now see that I, even I, am He, and there is no God besides Me; I kill and I make alive; I wound and I heal; Nor is there any who can deliver from My hand. - Deuteronomy 32:39 Join us for this year's Tanakh Tour of Israel! [sc_embed_player fileurl="" autoplay="true" loops="true"] Download [wp-post-slider]…
Then He inaugurated Joshua the son of Nun, and said, “Be strong and of good courage; for you shall bring the children of Israel into the land of which I swore to them, and I will be with you.” - Deuteronomy 31:23 Join us for this year's Tanakh Tour of Israel! [sc_embed_player fileurl="" autoplay="true" loops="true"]…
“For this commandment which I command you today is not too mysterious for you, nor is it far off. It is not in heaven, that you should say, ‘Who will ascend into heaven for us and bring it to us, that we may hear it and do it?’ Nor is it beyond the sea, that…
The Lord will bring you and the king whom you set over you to a nation which neither you nor your fathers have known, and there you shall serve other gods—wood and stone. And you shall become an astonishment, a proverb, and a byword among all nations where the Lord will drive you. - Deuteronomy…
Jono and Jason chat their way through one of many posts that exist on line that claim they have the answers when it comes to proclaiming the 'truth' of Jesus to Jews. The answer? To change words and definitions central to the Christian faith in order to sneak the gospel into the ears of Jewish…
You shall appoint judges and officers in all your gates, which the Lord your God gives you, according to your tribes, and they shall judge the people with just judgment. - Deuteronomy 16:18 Join us for this year's Tanakh Tour of Israel! [karma_by_kadar__simple_player title="Truth2U" src="" volume="0.9" autoplay="true" downloadable="true" color="1"] [wp-post-slider]
This week, Jono and Jason remember the laughs and smiles that Gene Wilder gifted the world and the ‘pure imagination’ that drives Israel to create and expand into new areas every day. This week, it’s about saving lives in Italy, saving animals in Gaza, a chance for YOU to support Israel and excite your five…
119 Ministries says that the only available option regarding Psalm 110 is that it refers to the Messiah and they hold that 'the' Messiah is Jesus. Jono and Jason explore what 119 has to say and then what the Tanakh has to say. Tanakh Tour November 2016
And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you, but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways and to love Him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to keep the commandments of the Lord and His statutes…
Do we need to surrender and accept the secret messages? Join Jono and Jason as they consider the different elements of this message and see if there really is a valid argument for submitting to a hidden agenda. You can find the related comment here.
For ask now concerning the days that are past, which were before you, since the day that God created man on the earth, and ask from one end of heaven to the other, whether any great thing like this has happened, or anything like it has been heard. Did any people ever hear the voice…
The Lord your God has multiplied you, and here you are today, as the stars of heaven in multitude. May the Lord God of your fathers make you a thousand times more numerous than you are, and bless you as He has promised you! - Deuteronomy 1:10-11 [karma_by_kadar__simple_player title="Truth2U" src="" volume="0.9" autoplay="true" downloadable="true" color="1"] Join…
Is Israel about to score a knockout blow on its gamblers? You bet! Jono and Jason chat about ‘fashion,’ but fear not, we aren’t taking to the catwalk, but rather we discuss the team outfits at the Rio Olympics. Also on the show, how old is this new mother? How is Israel helping mushrooms stay…
Two years ago Jono & Jason, among others, were literally "Black Listed" as a result of refining our faith to the Hebrew Bible. Today, Cheri, the creator of that list has herself turned to the One True God of Israel! The program below, recorded two years ago, was Jono & Jason's reply to her initial…
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: “The daughters of Zelophehad speak what is right; you shall surely give them a possession of inheritance among their father’s brothers, and cause the inheritance of their father to pass to them." - Numbers 27:6-7 Join us for this year's Tanakh Tour of Israel! [karma_by_kadar__simple_player title="Truth2U" src="" volume="0.9"…
Jono was mentioned in a video by Zachery Bauer in which Zachery attempts to answer the question 'Is Yeshua God' - so Jono & Jason decided to 'test' the concepts mentioned. You can watch the video we are referencing here. Join us for this year's Tanakh Tour of Israel! 365 Messianic Prophecies with R' Michael…
Will the IDF ‘catch em all?’ And in a world in which many are starving, can the answer be meat that is ‘grown’ in a lab? How are Israeli apps helping us from the cradle to the grave? All this and more on this week’s show! Don’t forget you can join the conversation on Israel…
119 claim that if you share the 'faith' of the people at Sinai you are considered 'Israel' by YHVH. They believe that you can 'graft' yourself in. Is this true? Did God address 2 groups or one group? Join us for this year's Tanakh Tour of Israel!
This week, we examine the bones of the nation from the uncovering of an ancient synagogue from a Philistine burial ground. We chat about Israel’s eye in the sky over Rio and how victims of car theft are using drones to find them. Don’t forget you can join the conversation on Israel On My Mind…
Then the Lord said to Moses, “Make a fiery serpent, and set it on a pole; and it shall be that everyone who is bitten, when he looks at it, shall live.” - Numbers 21:8 Join us for this year's Tanakh Tour of Israel! [karma_by_kadar__simple_player title="Truth2U" src="" volume="0.9" autoplay="true" downloadable="true" color="1"] [wp-post-slider]
Why are the Chinese ordering an Israeli take-away? How is the world of Ariel robotics moving forward under Israel's gaze? Why might you be telling your car, 'Home James,' a little sooner in the Holy Land? Who is rocking out over the summer in Tel Aviv? Don’t forget you can join the conversation on Israel…
Do the names that appear in Genesis 5 contain a secret prophecy that outlines God's 'salvation plan' for human kind? The people at 119 ministies believe so. Join us as we 'test' the teaching, the premise and the context of Genesis 5 and 119's video. More Jason here Join Jono, Jason and Rabbi Tovia Singer…
Tune in this week as Jono and Jason explore the awesome news flowing out of Israel! We explore amazing new science, mull over our love and fear of heights, discuss the Brexit and Jason’s opinion as an Englishman in what it ‘really’ means for the UK, Europe and Israel, as well as covering many, MANY…
And when the cloud departed from above the tabernacle, suddenly Miriam became leprous, as white as snow. Then Aaron turned toward Miriam, and there she was, a leper. - Numbers 12:10 Join us for this year's Tanakh Tour of Israel! [karma_by_kadar__simple_player title="Truth2U" src="" volume="0.9" autoplay="true" downloadable="true" color="1"] [wp-post-slider]
The Nelson's NKJV study notes regarding the "Nazarite" in Numbers 6:2-8 states "Not to be confused with Nazarene (one from Nazareth, see Matthew 2:23)". This same publication cross-references Matthew 2:23 solely with Judges 13:5 (marked with a "Prophetic Star" that designates it as "a fulfilment of a prophecy related to the coming of the Messiah,…
And the sons of Merari by their families: Mahli and Mushi. These are the families of the Levites by their fathers’ houses. - Numbers 3:20 Join us for this year's Tanakh Tour of Israel! [karma_by_kadar__simple_player title="Truth2U" src="" volume="0.9" autoplay="true" downloadable="true" color="1"] [wp-post-slider]
Why is Caleb the poster boy of the Messianic/Hebrew Roots movement? How is his status hijacked by Pauline theology? Is Caleb the anomaly who serves as the sole example of being "grafted in" or is there another explanation which is common knowledge in the Jewish world but concealed by New Testament teachers. In this program,…
But if they confess their iniquity and the iniquity of their fathers, with their unfaithfulness in which they were unfaithful to Me, and that they also have walked contrary to Me, and that I also have walked contrary to them and have brought them into the land of their enemies; if their uncircumcised hearts are…
How is Israel keeping India's symbol of love alive? How is Australia looking to the Holy Land for pointers on keeping itself safe? Why is Israel possibly cutting back on the sweetness and how did a bunch of school kids take one great step for science? Find out the answers on this edition! Click here…
For the children of Israel are servants to Me; they are My servants whom I brought out of the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God. - Leviticus 25:55 Join us for this year's Tanakh Tour of Israel! [karma_by_kadar__simple_player title="Truth2U" src="" volume="0.9" autoplay="true" downloadable="true" color="1"] [wp-post-slider]
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, “Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: ‘The feasts of the LORD, which you shall proclaim to be holy convocations, these are My feasts..." - Leviticus 23:1-2 Join us for this year's Tanakh Tour of Israel! [karma_by_kadar__simple_player title="Truth2U" src="" volume="0.9" autoplay="true" downloadable="true" color="1"] [wp-post-slider]
Aaron shall lay both his hands on the head of the live goat, confess over it all the iniquities of the children of Israel, and all their transgressions, concerning all their sins, putting them on the head of the goat, and shall send it away into the wilderness by the hand of a suitable man.…
Hear the story of how Rabbi Tovia Singer discovered a Byzantine Coin! The Temple Mount Sifting Project is an Israeli archaeological project that began in 2005. It is dedicated to recovery of archaeological artifacts from 400 truckloads of topsoil illegally removed from the Temple Mount by Muslims during the excavation of Solomon's Stables for the…
This week, we seek the ‘spirit’ of Israel with the country's first Kosher single malt. We also explore the fishy side of babies nappies and we ask, ‘how long would we wait to cut off electricity if our bills were ignored?’ For your round up of all the good new regarding Israel this week, CLICK…
Thus you shall separate the children of Israel from their uncleanness, lest they die in their uncleanness when they defile My tabernacle that is among them. - Leviticus 15:31 Join us for this year's Tanakh Tour of Israel! [karma_by_kadar__simple_player title="Truth2U" src="" volume="0.9" autoplay="true" downloadable="true" color="1"] [wp-post-slider] Regarding All These Words - Jono & Jason Joshua…
Why is a woman "unclean" for twice as long if she gives birth to a girl? Why does childbirth necessitate a sin sacrifice? Is chapter 13 really about "leprosy", if not, then what is this mysterious condition and why don't we see it today? All this and more in this week's Torah Pearls! Join us…
Shiloh is a peaceful and holy place; the place where God first made His Name abide for 369 years. It is a location rich in the biblical history of one of Israel's greatest prophets, Samuel. But what can be derived from Jeremiah chapter 7 as to the fate of Shiloh and can it ever again…
Where is the Biblical region of Bashan? Is Gamla the Golan "Masada"? Is it ever justified to take one's own life? Who was Mossad hero Eli Cohen? Listen as Rabbi Tovia Singer talk Jason & Jono through the history of the northern most point of Israel, the Golan Heights. Tanakh Tour November 2016…