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Ross Nichols

The Cambridge English Dictionary defines rogue as one who behaves in ways that are not expected or not normal. In this episode, Jono and Ross discuss several stories that are in the news this week which involve rabbis who “behave in ways that are not expected.” Will the Messiah appear before the Israeli elections of…

In this week’s show, Ross and Jono discuss another positive step for women in Saudi Arabia. First, the Crown Prince allowed them to drive, then they were allowed to attend sporting events. Listen in to find out the latest. Your hosts also talk about the controversial piece by a Finnish “artist” that set off riots…

In their first show of 2019, Jono and Ross cover some good news for Israel as the stats roll in from 2018. It seems that despite all the efforts of the BDS crowd Israel continues to break records in exports, tourism, and mergers/acquisitions, and the good news doesn’t stop there. Your hosts cover all sort…

In this week's show, your hosts take things in a different direction. Ross and Jono discuss several news stories related to Politics. Listen in to their views on Australia’s recent recognition of “West” Jerusalem as the Israeli Capitol, two recently elected U.S. Congressional members who support BDS, and Yair Netanyahu latest troubles. Check out Political…

The Tanakh Tour, with Rabbi Tovia Singer, Jono Vandor, & Ross Nichols, will bring your Bible to life as you walk where Kings, Priests, and Prophets walked while experiencing the modern miracle that is the State of Israel. The tour highlights Israel's past, present and future, by uniquely connecting people with the history, present-day realities, and…

In this week’s show, Ross and Jono discuss the biblical injunction to wear fringes on the corners of one’s garments and how that relates to a recent story in Israel. They also cover the Israeli startup that has found a way to create and market a visual fragrance. What would the Israeli music scene do…

In this show, Jono and Ross discuss the results of an exit poll completed by participants of our recent Tanakh Tour. Respondents provided feedback on various aspects of the tour by answering a series of questions, and these are covered in detail on this show. If you are considering joining the Tanakh Tour 2019, then…

In this episode, Jono and Ross share some feedback from their listeners. They love to hear from you all, by the way, so thanks for taking the time to write! Your hosts cover the sad news that Ambassador Nikki Haley will be stepping down from her position at the United Nations. Gerard Butler is heading…

In this episode, your hosts cover several news stories related to the US Administration’s pressure on the Palestinian Authority meant to bring them to the negotiating table. They relate a few unexpected holiday greetings to Jews around the world. They also discuss hair pieces – from wigs for the religious, to a couple of marketing…

In this show, Jono and Ross take a look at Israel “by the numbers.” Jono covers recently published demographic data on Israel, and then your hosts discuss terms used to define various degrees of religiosity, or the lack thereof. They also reveal that the number of nations with an Embassy in Jerusalem decreased by one,…

In this episode, Jono and Ross cover the news like only they can. The IDF has a command that must be followed if you want to keep your beard – thou shalt know the weekly parsha! Your hosts discuss two new medical advances in Israel – eye drops that correct vision and a new drug…

In this show, Jono and Ross discuss PepsiCo’s recent purchase of the Israeli Company Soda Stream, the real reason that Israelis always turn out to be among the happiest people on earth, magicians in search of the lost ark, the Episcopal Bishop who got caught, Cannabis flavored ice cream, worms that do complicated math problems…

The Tanakh Tour, with Rabbi Tovia Singer, Jono Vandor, & Ross Nichols, will bring your Bible to life as you walk where Kings, Priests, and Prophets walked while experiencing the modern miracle that is the State of Israel. The tour highlights Israel's past, present and future, by uniquely connecting people with the history, present-day realities, and…

In this show, Jono and Ross discuss Holiday foods, Christmas in Jerusalem and Nazareth (or maybe not), Arabian women behind the wheel, and even UFOs. This show is out of this world! Join us for this year's Tanakh Tour of Israel! Register before next year to qualify for the early-bird discount! [sc_embed_player fileurl="" autoplay="true" loops="true"]…

In this episode, Jono and Ross cover secret Real Estate deals in Jerusalem and Caesarea and a story of a NY City council candidate/real estate broker accused of antisemitism. They discuss a new app offering beach side service, and other techno advances, archaeological discoveries at Shiloh, the Canadian wine ban that wasn’t, Travel & Leisure’s…

You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you: I am the Lord. - Leviticus 19:28 Join us for this year's Tanakh Tour of Israel! [karma_by_kadar__simple_player title="Truth2U" src="" volume="0.9" autoplay="true" downloadable="true" color="1"] [wp-post-slider]

...It shall be a statute forever in your generations concerning the offerings made by fire to the Lord. Everyone who touches them must be holy. - Leviticus 6:18 Tanakh Tour Hand Crafted Soaps Restoring Abrahamic Faith by James Tabor Truth2U is only made possible though your kind donations. Please support the production of…

Joseph was 17 years old when sold into slavery and Jacob lived 17 years in Egypt with Joseph, is there a significance to the number 17? What is the meaning of the name El Shaddai? Why was Ephraim blessed as the firstborn? What is the meaning of the phrase "until Shiloh comes"? Why didn't Jacob…