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Ten Commandments

KI TISSA - (Exodus 30:11–34:35): From the chaos of the Golden Calf—those unholy cows—to the enigma of Moses’ horns. Why did counting heads spark divine danger? What’s with God demanding atonement for a simple census? And how does the sanctuary shekel tease messianic threads? We sift through textual oddities, priestly turf wars, and whispers of…

Hosts Ross K. Nichols and Jono Vandor take a close look at the important biblical directive against "bearing false witness." What does it really mean to "bear false witness" according to the ancient Hebrew texts? How have different translations shaped our understanding of this commandment? 📜🤔 Join us as we unpack this "word" by comparing…

Ross & Jono continue their deep dive into the Ten Words, turning their focus towards the often misunderstood commandment of "coveting." Ross presents a unique perspective, suggesting that this commandment reaches beyond mere actions and penetrates deep into the heart's desires. Jono, with his keen insights, may present an engaging counter-argument, adding to the depth…

Watch, as hosts Ross K. Nichols and Jono Vandor continue their deep dive into The Ten Words, turning their focus on the prohibition of theft. What do the ancient Hebrew texts really mean when they say, "thou shalt not steal?" Join us as we explore this intriguing commandment from seven different ancient Hebrew versions, unlocking…

Adultery. What does it mean according to the Bible? What are the differences between polyandry, polygamy, and polygyny? Can a man have more than one woman? Can a woman have more than one man? These are just some of the questions we'll explore. Drawing from seven ancient versions of The Ten Words, we're all set…

Join Ross K. Nichols and Jono Vandor for a fascinating exploration of the commandment "לא תרצח." Often translated as "Thou shalt not kill," the wording has sparked profound debates. Does the original Hebrew refer to 'kill' or 'murder'? How does it align with the numerous biblical references to crimes necessitating the death penalty? In this…

How do the first 5 commandments correlate to the last 5 commandments? Listen as Tovia, Jason & Jono discuss Exodus 20:12-17 Join us on the Tanakh Tour of Israel Truth2U is only made possible though your kind donations. Please support the production of Truth2U programs. Thank you for listening! [audio:|titles=] Download

What does it mean to take the name of God in vain? Is God a creationist? Did He need to rest on the seventh day? What is the difference between remembering and guarding Shabbat? Listen as Tovia, Jason & Jono discuss these questions and more from Exodus 20:7-11 Join us on the Tanakh Tour of…

Are the Ten Commandments really ten and if so, what exactly is the 1st? How should one define idolatry? What does God mean when He says He is a jealous God? Why mention both the 3rd and the 4th generation? Listen as Tovia, Jason & Jono discuss these questions and more Exodus 20:1-4. Join us…