Who are you to CRITICIZE the Hebrew Bible?
Join Ross & Jono as they discuss Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible. What is it and what does it mean? https://youtu.be/P7zRklVYeyw?list=PLzmklBloXBL8ZPUPmjor5sJ-N4cRvKnDL TANAKHTOURS.COM
Join Ross & Jono as they discuss Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible. What is it and what does it mean? https://youtu.be/P7zRklVYeyw?list=PLzmklBloXBL8ZPUPmjor5sJ-N4cRvKnDL TANAKHTOURS.COM
In this live stream, Jono gives a bit of his personal journey in answer to a viewer's question, and Jono and Ross announce a new series of discussions on a critical approach to the texts of the Hebrew Bible. https://youtu.be/r_wCu0L4xEE TANAKHTOURS.COM
Join Ross and Jono as they discuss the Darius Inscription, recently declared an authentic ancient inscription only to be called a FAKE the next day! What happened? Why was it declared authentic? Was it not examined? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6He3YBosUak&t=14s TANAKHTOURS.COM
In this episode, Ross and Jono discuss Ross's recent trip to Israel and Jordan and then get into various textual witnesses of the Hebrew Bible. This past week many media outlets reported the upcoming sale of Codex Sassoon. What do we know about this manuscript? What about other early manuscripts of the Hebrew Bible? https://youtu.be/nB4wTYfiHbM
As keen students of the Hebrew Bible, Moses Scroll enthusiasts, and tour-leaders of the Holy Land, how exactly would we describe ourselves? Find out in our latest show! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DpU71B91Fk Sign up today for our EGYPT/JORDAN and/or ISRAEL tours!
Join Ross and Jono as they present perhaps the most controversial program that they have done to date! https://youtu.be/R34iHHfPXiU?t=77 https://www.tanakhtours.com
https://youtu.be/-46Yr9yr5XE?t=110 CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE ON AMAZON
In The Moses Scroll, Ross presented evidence that Moses Wilhelm Shapira was involved in early efforts to decipher the Siloam Inscription. In this video, Ross and Jono discuss the details from 19th Century reports that prove beyond doubt that Shapira was the first to recognize the meaning of the ancient inscription and was correct about…
Shortly after the discovery of the Mesha Stele (Moabite Stone) in 1868, artifacts purportedly discovered in Transjordan and testifying to an ancient Moabite culture made their way to the Jerusalem shop of Moses Wilhelm Shapira. They were initially believed to be authentic. The Germans, having recently failed in their attempt to acquire the Mesha Stele,…
Biblical archaeology is abuzz with news of a new find upon Mount Ebal. What does it say? How old is it? Also, recent news reported that the Siloam Inscription was going to be returned to Israel from Istanbul. But why is it there in the first place and what does it have to do with…
Fragment F of The Moses Scroll is literally a crossword puzzle. It is entirely unreadable but for a scattering of identified letters in the first column. Listen to Ross as he explains how he solved the puzzle to reconstruct the paragraph that appears immediately after the Decalogue. His reconstruction reads as follows: [… “Y]ou [speak]…
The final two commandments, as they appear in The Moses Scroll, are as follows: You shall not desire • [your neighbor’s] woman, • his maidservant, • or anything • that is • his. • I am • Elohim • your Elohim. • You shall not hate • your brother • in your heart. • I…
Ever since Moses Shapira brought The Moses Scroll to the public in 1883 it has been and continues to be, keenly debated in the scholarly world. One point of contention, the commandment as it appears in the document: "You shall not respond • against your brother • with a testimony of • deceit. • I…
Ezekiel 18:20 states that "The son shall not bear the guilt of the father, nor the father bear the guilt of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself." How does this resolve with passages such as Exodus 20:5, 34:7, and Deuteronomy…
In this program, Ross & Jono make an exciting announcement and also discuss the next commandment "You shall not steal" discussing how The Moses Scroll's rendering of the commandment has more in common with Leviticus 19 and Zechariah 5 than Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5. https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B0967DYGC4&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_PNR9AMMJ75TC6TVWE8DX&fbclid=IwAR22YpXe2395eBlyNRQ0-LePi5SfszheqC2wD12aGSCPn060ZhY4bdMo91g&reshareId=PRNX2G12M86854HDTY7D&reshareChannel=system JOIN ROSS, TOVIA, & JONO IN ISRAEL ON THE…
In this week's show, Ross & Jono address the 5th Commandment as it appears in The Moses Scroll, "You shall not commit adultery • with the woman • of your neighbor. • I am • Elohim • your Elohim. •" What does it mean to adulterate? Why include the qualifier "of your neighbor"? and who…
The 4th Commandment as it appears in The Moses Scroll is, "You shall not kill • the soul of • your brother. • I am • Elohim • your Elohim. •" But what does it mean to "kill the soul" and what exactly is a soul? Why does the Moses Scroll include the qualifier "of…
In this episode of their current series discussing the Ten Words according to The Moses Scroll, Ross and Jono discuss the command regarding "parents." Typically translated as honor/honour, the Hebrew word actually means "give weight." Does this "command" contain a promise of reward? What was the original reading? TOUR ISRAEL WITH TANAKH TOURS!
On the lid of the Ark of the Covenant are two formed images of heavenly creatures known as Cherubim. They guard the two stone tablets upon which God inscribed the Ten Commandments. The first of these commandments states "You shall not make for yourselves a carved thing or any formed thing which is in the…
Ross and Jono have finally reached the focal point of the text of The Moses Scroll: the Ten Words. In this episode, they provide details about what set THIS version of the Decalogue apart from all others. https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B0967DYGC4&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_PNR9AMMJ75TC6TVWE8DX&fbclid=IwAR22YpXe2395eBlyNRQ0-LePi5SfszheqC2wD12aGSCPn060ZhY4bdMo91g&reshareId=PRNX2G12M86854HDTY7D&reshareChannel=system
In Deuteronomy, the Shema comes after the Ten Commandments. In The Moses Scroll, it comes before. Which is more consistent? Is there a detectable pattern in the Pentateuch when it comes to instruction? Find out in this week's episode. https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B0967DYGC4&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_PNR9AMMJ75TC6TVWE8DX&fbclid=IwAR22YpXe2395eBlyNRQ0-LePi5SfszheqC2wD12aGSCPn060ZhY4bdMo91g&reshareId=PRNX2G12M86854HDTY7D&reshareChannel=system JOIN ROSS NICHOLS, TOVIA SINGER, & JONO VANDOR ON TANAKH TOURS!
Ross & Jono continue with a careful study of the journeys of the Children of Israel contained within the text of The Moses Scroll. Comparing this text to the canonical version found within the Pentateuch, they reveal some interesting variants ... variants that resolve discrepancies observed by scholars. What does Zamzumim mean? What is the…
The Pentateuch contains several sections that purportedly describe the travel itinerary of the Children of Israel in their wilderness journeys. Sorting the route has proven most difficult due to inconsistencies between books, conflicting place names in the various sources, confused geographical references, and occasional references from later scribes. Numbers 33:1-2 informs us in the third…
"...and God committed adultery"?!? How did this highly controversial mistranscription from the paleo-Hebrew text of The Moses Scroll occur? What did it actually say and did it concur with the canonical text? Find out in this week's episode! https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B0967DYGC4&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_PNR9AMMJ75TC6TVWE8DX&fbclid=IwAR22YpXe2395eBlyNRQ0-LePi5SfszheqC2wD12aGSCPn060ZhY4bdMo91g&reshareId=PRNX2G12M86854HDTY7D&reshareChannel=system
Whose idea was it to send the spies? Whose idea was it to delegate leadership? Who are the Anakites and is there any archaeological evidence to even support their existence? More importantly, are any of the above narratives derived from the Moses Scroll? Find out in this week’s episode! https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B0967DYGC4&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_PNR9AMMJ75TC6TVWE8DX&fbclid=IwAR22YpXe2395eBlyNRQ0-LePi5SfszheqC2wD12aGSCPn060ZhY4bdMo91g&reshareId=PRNX2G12M86854HDTY7D&reshareChannel=system
In this episode, Ross answers excellent questions from the following comment left by a Truth2U listener: I find this subject fascinating, but so far have failed to grasp what it is that has both of you believing it is an authentic predecessor to our modern Deuteronomy. We don’t have the originals to perform any tests…
This week, Ross and Jono work through the opening verses of The Moses Scroll. They discuss some of the notable readings in the text, comparing and contrasting them with the Masoretic text. One of the interesting points of the manuscript is that aside from the opening and closing lines, it uses Elohim rather than the…
This week, Ross and Jono begin to introduce their listeners to the text of a fascinating manuscript. Called The Moses Scroll by Ross in his recently published book, and The Valediction of Moses by Harvard scholar Idan Dershowitz - both of whom believe that it is ancient and authentic. Could this manuscript be the earliest…
Sometime in early spring of 1883, Moses Shapira came upon a book that made him reconsider the objections of Schlottmann and Delitzsch. As he put it in a letter to Hermann Strack dated 9 May 1883, “A short time ago a book called Einleitung in das Alte Testament [Introduction to the Old Testament] von [by] Friedrich Bleek…
The Bible tells of a ceremony that is to be completed once the children of Israel cross into the Promised Land. The Book of Deuteronomy describes the ceremony as a reciting of Blessings and Curses to be spoken from Mounts Gerizim and Ebal. The details of the ceremony are given in Deuteronomy 11, 27, and…
In 1878, Moses Wilhelm Shapira, a Jerusalem antiquities dealer and scroll merchant came to possess a fascinating collection of leather strips. He believed that these leather strips, written in Paleo Hebrew were an ancient form of the Bible’s Book of Deuteronomy. He made a transcription of the manuscript and carefully noted variations between the message…
Two mounts, Gerizim and Ebal, are associated with a ceremony to be performed when the children of Israel cross into the promised land. The details of the ceremony are mentioned in Deuteronomy chapters 11 and 27, and also in Joshua chapter 8 where, according to the narrative, the ceremony actually takes place. The narratives contained…
Top Ten Genesis Gleanings (Chapters 1-3) At the first of ELOHIM creating … ordering not origin of the universe ELOHIM=EL/Eloah, EL Elyon, EL Shaddai=Force or power, thus “the Force of all Forces” and the concept of the nameless “unnamed” One YeHoVah used for the first time in 2:4 is not a “name” per se, and…
In this podcast, "Here We Ganneau Again," Ross and Jono cover some of the old theories that have been rehashed again and again, even recently. In 1883, Monsieur Clermont-Ganneau, put forth a theory that the forger cut the bottom off of a Torah scroll to make his "fake" manuscript. We also discuss whether or not…
Ross Nichols comes onto Truth2U for his first-ever discussion on his recently published #1 Amazon Bestseller, The Moses Scroll. Ross pays tribute to the memory of Moses Shapira and brings us up to date regarding today's news articles on the topic that has the world buzzing with heightened curiosity, just as it did when Shapira…
In 1878, a Jerusalem antiquities dealer named Moses Wilhelm Shapira acquired a curious biblical manuscript consisting of sixteen leather strips. The manuscript, written in ancient, Paleo-Hebrew contained what appeared to be a form of the Bible’s Book of Deuteronomy but with significant variations. It was allegedly discovered by Bedouin tribesmen around 1865, east of the…
The Moses Scroll - Reopening the Most Controversial Case in the History of Biblical Scholarship In 1878, a Jerusalem antiquities dealer named Moses Wilhelm Shapira acquired a curious biblical manuscript consisting of sixteen leather strips. The manuscript, written in ancient, Paleo-Hebrew contained what appeared to be a form of the Bible’s Book of Deuteronomy but…
In this episode of Gleanings from Genesis, your hosts pick up their discussion within chapter 3. They take a close look at the results of the eating from the forbidden tree. "And YHVH ELOHIM said, “Look!—the soil-creature has become like one from us, to know good and bad; and now, lest he send forth his…
In this episode of Gleanings from Genesis, Jono, James, and Ross pick up with the account of the happenings in a garden, located east in Eden. They carefully work through the narrative commenting on such things as the purpose of mankind according to Genesis, the introduction and naming of other life forms, the entrance into…
In this episode, Ross and Jono discuss a question sent in by Piper Kelly. The question was based upon Ezekiel’s vision contained in chapters 40-48. Piper said, “This prophecy has not been fulfilled. I would love to hear you both discuss the Tabernacle, the sacrifices, the prince, the healing waters, the trees with healing leaves,…
Where is the Book of Jasher quoted in the Bible? How is it that we have verses from sources in our Scriptures but no longer have these books? This week, Ross and Jono discuss a question sent in by Richard Tescher. The discussion addresses the main question sent in by our listener but then takes…
Why is there so much focus on a Messiah in Judaism and Christianity? Jono and Ross take these questions on from the texts of the Hebrew Bible. The discussion covers the meaning of the term Messiah, usages in the Tanakh, the Bible’s first allusion to a messiah, the concept of the messiah in Torah, the…
In episode five, the discussion begins with an explanation of textual divisions transmitted by the hands of ancient scribes before the introduction of chapters and verses into the texts. Genesis 2:4 is the beginning of the second division, the subject of which is the “bringing forth of the skies and the land.” A central point…
In this show, Jono and Ross discuss the research behind Ross’ forthcoming book, Finding the Hand of Moses - THE Torah Within OUR TorahThe first five books of the Bible are known as the Torah of Moses. According to tradition, they are believed to be the work of a single, ancient author – Moses. Biblical scholarship denies…
In Episode Four, the 5th, 6th, and 7th days of the creation account are covered. The discussion follows the ordering of life culminating in the making of a distinct creature. This soil-creature is made in the image and likeness of Elohim. What is this one? All that is created is deemed very good, and the…
In Episode Three, the discussion picks up with the third and fourth days of creation and the continuation of what began on the second day. The waters below the expanse are gathered together to form seas causing dry land to appear, which then produces sprouting sprouts, plants seeding seed, and fruit trees making fruit -…
In Episode Two of Gleanings from Genesis, the details of 'day one' and the 'second day' are discussed. Working through the Transparent English Bible (Genesis 1:1-8), the rhythm and cadence of the original Hebrew are highlighted. What begins to emerge is an ancient story of the transformation of a desolate and waste planet into the…
In the opening episode of Gleanings from Genesis, your hosts discuss Dr James Tabor’s newly released, The Book of Genesis – a New Translation from the Transparent English Bible. Dr Tabor highlights some of the unique features of this translation and details his approach to the work of translating Genesis. Listeners are introduced to the…
For thus said the Lord of hosts (after his glory sent me) regarding the nations that plundered you: Truly, one who touches you touches the apple of my eye. - Zech 2:8 (v12 in the Hebrew) Join us for this year's Tanakh Tour of Israel!
In this week’s episode, your hosts begin to work through the reign of Saul, discovering the nobler traits that led to his initial selection. Jono and Ross then take a closer look at the role of the Prophet in the making of the king. They find a linguistic connection between the prophet and the king…
Prepare yourself for a different kind of show this week. Ross shares with Jono the story of a beautiful synagogue in the town where he lives. He tells the story of Temple Sinai Synagogue, built in 1901, how he came to utilize the building for several years, the circumstances of his leaving, and how it…
In episode three, Jono & Ross finally arrive at Deuteronomy 17:14-20, the Torah of the King. Why didn't they begin with this passage in episode 1? In fact, why didn't anybody mention this passage within the appointment of Abimelech in Judges 9:6 or the demand for a king in 1 Sam 8:5? Moreover, how is…
As we concluded episode 2 Ross predicted that Jono would keep him up all night debating the implications of the king/priest, Melchizedek. He wasn't wrong. Rather than pick up with this topic in episode 3 we decided to let you be the fly on the wall of what was a very clarifying conversation. Join us…
The Anointed One and the Ones Who Anoint Them In this episode, Ross and Jono begin with the anointing of Saul. They discuss the anointing ceremony and the origins of the messiah idea. The conversation gets into the subject of anointing and includes the makeup of the special oil, the anointer, and the Anointed. Your…
In the beginning, there was a special kingdom. This kingdom differed from all other kingdoms, but alas, the people of the kingdom chose to be like all the other kingdoms - and rejected their king. The roots of this rebellion go deep into the past and are reflected in the words of an ancient parable.…
In this week’s show, Jono puts Ross on the spot and has him take a religion quiz online while he covers stats about the quiz from Pew Research. Strange stories from the animal kingdom are covered in this episode. We have a frog that found his way into a bag of kosher certified lettuce, the…
In this week’s show, Jono shares the top baby names in Israel, and reveals that many Israelis are naming their daughters after INTR’s Tamar Yonah! Ross and Jono discuss the benefits of exercise and a story about a flasher who exposed himself to the wrong jogger. Your hosts also talk about the boycotted burger joint…
In this week’s show, Ross and Jono share the latest good and bad news out of the UN. It seems that they have taken up the noble cause of finding those countries that abuse the rights of women. The bad news is that Israel was identified as the world’s only violator. A Saudi blogger is…
In this week’s show, your hosts wade into the crazy world of U.S. politics, specifically as it relates to the so-called “Squad,” the descriptor used in reference to four congresswomen. Will Netanyahu prevent Rashida Tlaib and her team from entering Israel? Interestingly, the Humpty Dumpty Institute who was to organize the tour has dropped out.…
This week your hosts hit the ground running. They talk a bit about Ross’ recent trip to Israel but then jump into the news. They discuss Yair Netanyahu’s reaction to Linda Sarsour’s Palestinian Jesus tweet. And yes Yair, she really is. Netflix has a new series. If you liked Breaking Bad, you’re gonna love Family…
In this week’s show, your hosts discuss Ross’ recent trip to Washington D.C. They also talk about Moldova’s announced Embassy move and an exciting new tour of Israel. They provide their listeners with an update from the Palestinians on their views of the Trump administration’s much-anticipated peace plan. The fun lasts for the entire show.…
In this week’s episode, Jono and Ross cover some bizarre stories. There is the tale of a mischievous monkey and doggie treats that give your pet the munchies and while easing arthritic pain. Jono describes the trendy falafel waffle, home juicing, and hummus flavoured ice cream. They touch on the recent political news out of…
In this week’s show, Ross and Jono share some of their views on the recent Eurovision contest. They also report on a new tactic of El Al Airlines for fighting techno-metal steampunk BDS activists. There is a new “old beer” made from six strains of ancient yeast. A major expansion has been approved for Ben…
In this week’s show, Ross and Jono discuss various friends and foes of the Jewish State. They weigh in on politics around the globe in this episode. They share stats about Evangelical support of Israel, a new town in the Golan named for President Trump, and the much anticipated Peace Plan. A highlight of the…
In this week’s show, Jono and Ross discuss a couple of extraordinary medical advances made by Israelis while Jono is fighting off a case of the man flu. It seems that Tel Aviv has a new and exciting community for those who love Mermaids or who want to be a mermaid or a merman. Israel…
In this week's show, Ross and Jono share their thoughts on the recent Israeli elections, Bibi's win, and rumours about the contents of the long-awaited peace plan being called the "Deal of the Century." Bibi's opponents aren't the only losers covered in this week's show. Iran is mad that the U.S. listed its Revolutionary Guard…
After several weeks in Israel, Ross is finally back. In this week’s show, your hosts come out of the gate discussing President Trump’s official recognition of Israel’s sovereignty of the Golan Heights. Obviously, not everyone is as happy about this latest from the U.S. President. Springing from that topic, they talk about the nations who…
In this week’s show, Ross and Jono cover the news from Bar Kochba to Bamba. This show has it all. Your hosts discuss the recent discovery near Lachish of a Bar Kochba era coin. Israel ranks number one in the world for social media use, and American freshman Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is in the news…